각종 포토샵 설정 팁1. 포토샵에서 갑자기 폰트들이 안 보일 때
컴퓨터를 안전모드에서 부팅해서
시작 >> 검색 >> 파일 또는 폴더
ttfcache 라고 입력한 다음 나오는 파일을 삭제해주시면 됩니다.
2. 포토샵 처리속도 빠르게하기
+ 영문버젼 Edit> Preferences> Memory & Image Cache > Used by Photoshop
+ 한글버젼 편집 > 환경설정 > 메모리와 이미지 캐쉬 > 메모리사용
기본적으로 50% 로 되어있는 부분을 80% 정도로 높여주면 처리속도가 빨라진답니다.
3. 다운받은 "브러쉬", "스타일" 삽입하는 방법
+ 브러쉬[Program Files]-[Adobe]-[Photoshop]-[Presets]-[Brushes] 폴더안에 넣으세요.
+ 스타일 [Program Files]-[Adobe]-[Photoshop]-[Presets]-[Style] 폴더안에 넣으세요.
4. 한글 포토샵→영문으로
한글 포토샵을 영문버전으로 바꾸시려면 [Program Files] - [Adobe Photoshop6.0]-[Required]에서 tw10428.dat를 지워주시면 됩니다.
5. 포토샵에서 한글 폰트 한글로 나오게 하기
+ 포토샵 5.5 : 파일 (File)-환경설정(preferences)-일반(general)-show font names in english 체크 해제
+ 포토샵 6.0 : 편집 (Edit)- 환경설정(preferences)-일반(general)-show font names in english 체크 해제
6. 포토샵 필터 사용법
필터를 다운받은 담에 압축을 풀때 꼭 photoshop-->plug-ins 폴더안에 압축을 풀어주세요.
다른 디렉토리에 이미 압축을 풀었다면 꼭 plug-ins 폴더안으로 옮겨주세요.
포토샵을 종료한후 다시 실행하면 메뉴의 필터라는 메뉴안에 새로운 필터가 들어있는걸 보게 됩니다.
7. 웹폰트 포토샵에서 최적싸이즈..
웹폰트 뒤에 나오는 숫자를 보면 9,10,12 이러케 3종류입니다.
숫자가 9인폰트들 - 글씨크기 12싸이즈로 작업합니다.
숫자가 10인폰트들 - 글씨크기 13싸이즈로 작업합니다.
숫자가 12인폰트들 - 글씨크기 16싸이즈로 작업합니다.
숫자가 없는 폰트일경우 포토샵에서의 기본싸이즈는
거의가 글씨크기12싸이즈입니다.
by Anna 안나
2009. 1. 5. 01:39
Textured graphics are obviously very popular right now, and fortunately there are tons of free Photoshop brushes that will help you to quickly and easily get the textured look you want. This post is a showcase of some of the best sets of brushes available anywhere for creating textures. Dirt Spray (8 brushes) Rust Brushes (13 brushes) Dust & Scratches (12 brushes) Texture Brushes (52 brushes) Scratch Splat Grunge Brushes (15 brushes) Dumpster Brushes (8 brushes) Grunge Brushes 007 (7 brushes) Digea Rust Brushes (9 brushes) TurkHitBox Grunge Set (10 brushes) Cracks (12 brushes) Grunge Notion Brushes (24 brushes)
High Res Dirt Brush Set (8 brushes) Stone and Rust (22 brushes) Cracked Brush Set (19 brushes) Keep Dreaming Volume 44 (12 brushes) Abstract 17 (10 brushes) Grunge Brushes (50 brushes)
Peeling Paint (20 brushes) Scratch Texture (17 brushes) Grunge Brushes 7 (30 brushes) Grunge Brushes 8 (60 brushes) Grunge Brushes 9 (60 brushes) Grunge Brushes 10 (46 brushes) Grunge Brushes by KeReN (40 brushes) Paper Brushes (4 brushes) Rough Edges (19 brushes) Dirt Brushes (5 brushes) Textured Cracks (20 brushes) Texture Brushes (21 brushes) Paper Textures (25 brushes) In Obscuro Texture Brushes (9 brushes) In Obscuro Old Paper Brushes (12 brushes) If you’re interested in working with textures, please see 40 Excellent Photoshop Tutorials for Textures and Backgrounds at Vandelay Design. Originally Published September 22nd, 2008
by Anna 안나
2008. 10. 17. 19:22
웹에서의 디자인 트랜드는 시시각각 빠르게 변화한다. 1990년대 중 후반을 풍미했던 다양한 디자인 트랜드들의 튜터리얼 사이트를 뽑자면 pslover.com과 tutorialwiz.com이 있다. 이들은 이제는 상당히 방대한 양의 튜터리얼 데이터베이스를 갖추긴 했지만 한번 흘러간 트랜드는 사실 거의 쓰레기와 마찬가지 취급을 받게 된다.
필자도 rgbmix.com이나 8tunes.net을 통해 그동안 다양한 튜터리얼을들을 소개하고 직접 만들어 제공하기도 했지만, 계속해서 변화해 가는 디자인 트랜드속에서 옛날 자료들이 점점 ?어 문드러져 가는 느낌을 받을때는 그것이 참으로 허망하다고 느꼈다.
최근 등장한 PSDTUTS나 Photoshoplady 같은 사이트들은 웹 표준으로 무장한 인터페이스에 Clean & Beauty 스타일의 최신 튜터리얼들로 무장하고 나서 튜터리얼 사이트에서의 세대변화를 몸소 느끼게 해주기도 한다. PSDTUTS는 그동안의 튜터리얼 보다는 조금 더 아티스트적인 실력을 요구하는 고난이도 테크닉들을 많이 접하게 해준다. writen by.. http://www.webtrendawards.com/1453
by Anna 안나
2008. 10. 17. 18:32
Last week I posted a collection of Photoshop brushes for creating your own textured graphics. In addition to using brushes, you can get great results and save considerable amounts of time by taking advantage of textures that are freely available. One excellent resources of textures (and other types of stock images) is Stock.xchng. Below you’ll find more than 60 textures from their site. Each image links to the page on sxc.hu where the image can be downloaded. Wood Textures Grass Textures Sand Textures Paper Textures Canvas Textures Leather Textures Metal Textures Satin/Silk Textures
Wall Textures Other Textures
For more texture resources, see 500+ Photoshop Brushes for Creating Textures. Originally Published September 28th, 2008
by Anna 안나
2008. 10. 17. 18:28
Province : http://designm.ag/resources/60-free-textures-from-sxchu/
You can get great results and save considerable amounts of time by taking advantage of textures that are freely available. One excellent resources of textures (and other types of stock images) is Stock.xchng. Designm.ag has shared us “60+ Free Textures from SXC.hu“, you’ll find more than 60 textures from Stock.xchng. Each image links to the page on sxc.hu where the image can be downloaded.
by Anna 안나
2008. 10. 17. 18:28
외국 무료 웹디자인 리소스 ( 패턴, 배경, 텍스쳐) 출처 : http://www.thewebsqueeze.com/articles/web-design-resource-for-free-patterns-backgrounds-and-textures.html
A rather small selection of backgrounds that include categories such as paper, canvas, wallpaper, cardboard and Japanese papers. Very soft colors. Absolute Background Textures Archive
Archive is a great term since it houses 5740 different textures. Don’t let that amount of textures overwhelm you. You can search by either color or by pattern. And if you want to preview a background, select it and watch the page background change. All Free Backgrounds
Nice selection. Search by color or pattern and preview the background for more detail. Amazing Textures
88 free photo textures. Amurai Shizoo
This site has spectacular backgrounds. The only downside is you can’t get a good view of them without downloading. But I think you’ll find it worth the effort. Auto FX Software
Excellent selection of seamless textures and backgrounds. You will need to sign up for an account but membership is free. Background City
Search this site for backgrounds by either groups or themes. Bravenet CG Textures
Photo textures with many unique categories. The selection is large and impressive and easy to look through since the site has a nice menu tree that is well labeled. Citrus Moon Patterns
This site has a fairly large selection. The nice thing is that you can search by color which often helps in reducing the browsing time. COLOURlovers
One of the more recent additions to this site is their category of patterns. The variety is growing daily so this is a site that you must check out. Createsk8
If you are a user of Illustrator you must see these patterns and textures. These contemporary textures will give your designs the current backdrops we are looking for. There are a few packs that are available for PhotoShop users as well. Be sure to checkout the “textures” category as well. Creative Website Design
Some nice selections here.
This was a recent find that I have to check each and every time I start a new project. The selection is growing everyday and the quality is fantastic. Dr. Web
Free photo textures that Dr. Web calls “dirty”. Graffiti, sand, stone and more! Everyday Icons What a fun selection of backgrounds. Click on one of the tiny tiles. Each tile comes in many colors. If you want to add some real interest to your website, see these backgrounds.
A non-English site but you don’t need to know the language to search the textures.
Go Media’s Arsenal
Free watercolor packs and texture packs that are amazing! Grunge Textures
Ok, want something peeling, rusting, twisted, ruined and just plain amazing? Check out this selection of high resolution photos. This site screams bookmark me! K10K Pixel Patterns
974 patterns on file at the present time. So many great ones to choose from. You’ll want to check the usage details however. Not all are allowed for commercial use. I love this site! Kollermedia.at
Currently this site has 270+ backgrounds to select from. I think this site has a nice “current” selection of quality backgrounds. This is a site I’d highly recommend. Limelite
Photo textures to use to create different looks. Very unusual selection that you should find interesting. Milleseicentopercento
Small selection however they are very much in style for today’s web design trends. Must see. Power Directory
Over 8000 backgrounds. Many of the categories are outdated, however the realistic categories such as stone, wood, and nature had some useful backgrounds. RepeatXY
Download gorgeous backgrounds or edit them for your use by using their editor. Also search this site by color. Nice site, a must visit site! Squidfingers
Really unique and dramatic backgrounds here! If you are looking for unusual color combinations this is a nice place to look. Templateyes
Some very nice backgrounds here. It takes only a minute to look through their selection. I saw some really nice potential backgrounds here. This site also has a preview feature so you can get a nice idea of what the background looks like. Texture King
337 current textures including grunge, dirt, concrete, plaster, rust and more. Texture Love
Some really interesting categories of high resolution photos. My favorite is smoke, see if you can fine a favorite category. Urban Dirty
If these photo images don’t inspire you in designing some really interesting sites, I’m not sure much will inspire. Great site that must be bookmarked. Vecteezy
Vector fans will love this site. Beautiful patterns to select from. WebGround
Pages and pages of textures. From light gray, to medium gray, light and dark colors.
by Anna 안나
2008. 10. 12. 20:58
1번은 "kroeger 시리즈" 중에서 kroeger 05_55 입니다.. 포토샵에서 폰트크기 8pt 에 안티알리아싱을 None 로 쓰시면 예쁘게 쓰실수 있습니다. 2번은 소야다듬9 입니다.. 그림판에선 폰트크기 9pt 에 쓰시고
포토샵에선 폰트크기 12pt, 안티알리아싱 None(한글판은 없음)로 설정하시면 예쁘게 쓰여집니다. 3번은 KissMeKissMeKissMe 입니다.. 축전에 많이 사용되는 영문폰트 입니다.. 4번은 GoodDog Cool 입니다.
by Anna 안나
2008. 4. 12. 22:25
Interactive Web Design
Most Popular
1. http://www.FreeFoto.com/index.jsp
2. http://www.KAVEWALL.com/stock/
3. http://www.aDigitalDreamer.com/gallery/index.php
4. http://www.FreePhotosBank.com/
5. http://www.FreeDigitalPhotos.net/
6. http://PDPhoto.org/
7. http://Visipix.dynalias.com/index_hidden.htm
8. http://www.Cepolina.com/freephoto/
9. http://www.DexHaus.com/v2/
10. http://www.FreeStockImages.net/
11. http://www.TurboPhoto.com/Free-Stock-Images/
12. http://YotoPhoto.com/
13. http://www.StockVault.net/
14. http://www.DreamsTime.com/
15. http://www.OpenStockPhotography.org/
Community-Powered Content
1. http://www.ImageAfter.com/
2. http://www.Unprofound.com/
3. http://www.FontPlay.com/freephotos/
4. http://www.Studio25.ro/
5. http://www.VintagePixels.com/
6. http://www.AbstractInfluence.com/forums/album_cat.php?cat_id=2
7. http://Amygdela.com/stock/
8. http://www.EveryStockPhoto.com/
9. http://www.Photocase.com/en/
10. http://stockart.deviantART.com/
Artists Welcome
1. http://www.SXC.hu/
2. http://www.Morguefile.com/
3. http://www.Woophy.com/map/index.php
4. http://www.photolib.NOAA.gov/
5. http://www.PixelPerfectDigital.com/free_stock_photos/
6. http://FreeRangeStock.com/
7. http://www.AMGMedia.com/freephotos/
8. http://www.Free-Photographs.net/
9. http://www.FreePhotos.com/
10. http://www.AnimationFactory.com/en/
11. http://www.Graphicsarena.com/
12. http://www.Fotogenika.net/modifica/igallery.asp
13. http://www.ImageTemple.com/
14. http://www.Flickr.com/
15. http://FreeLargePhotos.com/
Less is Sometimes More
1. http://www.Mayang.com/Textures/
2. http://www.FromOldBooks.org/
3. http://www.TextureWareHouse.com/gallery/index.php
4. http://FreeStockPhotos.com/
5. http://www.BurningWell.org/
6. http://www.DesignPacks.com/
7. http://AmazingTextures.com/textures/index.php
8. http://AarinFreePhoto.com/
9. http://davidniblack.com/ImageBase/
10. http://MajesticImagery.com/
11. http://www.Diwiesign.com/index.php?page=stockphotos
12. http://www.zurb.com/ZurbPhotos/
13. http://TOFZ.org/index.php
14. http://www.LIGHTmatter.net/gallery/
15. http://www.InsectImages.org/
Stock Images Plus
1. http://search.CreativeCommons.org/
2. http://www.FreeImages.co.uk/
3. http://www.CreatingOnline.com/stock_photos/
4. http://www.ArtFavor.com/
5. http://www.GeekPhilosopher.com/MainPage/photos.htm
6. http://Gimp-Savvy.com/PHOTO-ARCHIVE/index.html
7. http://www.Creativity103.com/
8. http://www.Afflict.net/
9. http://www.OneOddDude.net/
10. http://www.Megite.com/url/:iconfactory_com/home
11. http://www.PhotoshopSupport.com/resources/stock-photos.html
12. http://www.AncestryImages.com/
13. http://www.FreeMediaGoo.com/
14. http://photo.ITC.NPS.GOV/storage/images/
15. http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/NYPLdigital/index.cfm
1. http://BackgroundsArchive.com/
2. http://www.ARS.USDA.gov/is/graphics/photos/
3. http://www.HolyLandPhotos.org/
4. http://Stockcache.com/gallery/
5. http://www.FourBees.com/fourbees/phoelm.asp
6. http://clipmarks.com/Clipmark/96ED8A78-BE48-4D21-9A93-840203222B63/
7. http://www.nps.gov/archive/Yell/SlideFile/
8. http://www.hear.org/starr/HiPlants/images/
9. http://www.Microshots.org/
10. http://www.In-Texture.com/
11. http://www.TripAlbum.net/
12. http://OrangeTrash.d2.hu/index2.html
13. http://www.LogoDesignWeb.com/stockphoto/
14. http://www.BAJstock.com/
15. http://www.NWYHstockimages.com/
1. http://www.Public-Domain-Photos.com/
2. http://www.Bigfoto.com/
3. http://www.Photogen.com/
4. http://www.FreePixels.com/
5. http://Gallery.HD.ORG/index.jsp
6. http://PIX.halal.dk/
7. http://www.PhotoRack.net/
8. http://Free-StockPhotos.com/
9. http://www.BarrysFreePhotos.com/
10. http://Cromavista.ricardomartin.info/
11. http://www.IronOrchid.com/clipart/
12. http://www.ImageBlowout.com/
13. http://www.FreeImages.com/photos/
14. http://www.IloveFreePhoto.com/
15. http://www.FreePhotoStation.com/
by Anna 안나
2008. 4. 6. 04:54
제가 첨부한 사진 속의 한글글씨체와 영어글씨체를 알고 싶습니다.
딱 보기에 고딕체 비슷한 것 같아서 집에 가지고 있는 글씨체들과 모두 대조를 해보았는데도
저 글씨체는 찾을 수가 없더라구요. 자간조정을 한 것 같아서 다 해보았는데도 없네요.
단편의 미학, 이라고 쓰여진 글씨체 좀 알려주세요.
영어사진의 까만 색 글씨 REVERSE와, 회색으로 쓰인 Soul, Trivial 도 알고 싶구요.
# 첫번째 이미지에 한글 폰트명은 윤고딕100대 계열로 쓰였습니다.. 나쁜 부분은 윤고딕120 입니다.. 자간조절 -280 단편의 미학 부분은 윤고딕110 입니다.. 자간조절 -280 어떤연인~ 부분은 윤고딕120 입니다.. 자간조절 -250 # 두번째 이미지에 REVERSE 부분은 윈도우 기본글꼴 Arial Black 입니다.. reverse 부분은 "Helvetica 시리즈" 중에서 Helvetica Condensed Black 입니다.. SOUL, TRIVIAL 부분은 윈도우 기본글꼴 Impact 입니다..
by Anna 안나
2008. 4. 6. 01:23
올리신 이미지에 # 미녀 부분은 윤고딕250 을 수정하신 글씨 입니다.. 자간조절 -300, 새로방향으로 90% 정도 줄여주셨네요.. # 는 괴로워 부분은 윤고딕130 또는 윤고딕140 입니다.. 자간조절 -200 정도 해주셨습니다.. 윤고딕100대 시리즈는 폰트 굵기만 약간씩 다르고, 어떤 프로그램으로 썼느냐에 따라서도 달라질수 있습니다.. # 매력에빠져들다 부분은 윤고딕120 입니다.. 자간조절 -200 정도 해주셨습니다.. 검은색 테두리는 포토샵에서 Stroke(선) 를 주시면 됩니다..
by Anna 안나
2008. 4. 6. 01:21