Looking for free images? Here are thirty sites where you can find completely free images, available for use on your blog or web site. All of these sites offer royalty free images for your use (be sure to check each site for specific guidelines that they request you follow in order to use their images).

1. Fotogenika

Fotogenika offers over a dozen distinct image categories; their images may be used freely for personal, educational, and non-profit purposes.

2. Mayang's Free Textures

mayang's free textures
Over 3400 free use, free to download, high resolution texture images. There is a limit of 20 downloaded textures per day; other than that, everything here is fair game.

3. Nations Illustrated

nations illustrated
Over 7000 absolutely beautiful images taken from all over the world; free to use for personal or non-commercial use only.

4. Stockcache

Hundreds of high quality free stock images; all are available for use under a Creative Commons Attribution License, which means you can use the photos freely as long as you cite where you got them.

5. Amazing Textures

amazing textures
Hundreds of high resolution textures for free non-commercial use; divided into very intuitive categories so you can know exactly what you're looking at.

6. Yellowstone Digital Slide File

national park images
View amazing nature photography at the Yellowstone Digital Slide File, a repository of over 13,000 high quality images for personal or non-commercial use.

7. Big Foto

Free images available for your personal use; lots of really beautiful nature photographs here.

8. Free Images

free images
More than 2500 original and high quality stock photographs here; tons of great categories to choose from.

9. Every Stock Photo

every stock photo
EveryStockPhoto is a search engine for Creative Commons licenses photos. Over one million photos available here.

10. Open Stock Photography

open stock photography
Literally millions of free images available here via Wikimedia Commons and free to use for any purpose.

by Anna 안나 2009. 3. 1. 00:41