웹에는 아주 유용한 마이크로소프트 문서 파일들과 adobe PDF 파일들이 굉장히 많이 있습니다. 이러한 자료들을 Google 은  검색하고 인덱싱을 해두고 있습니다. 이러한 자료들을 잘 활용하면 의외로 많은 정보와 지식을 손쉽게 얻을 수 있습니다. 그러나 막상 문서 파일들만 검색하기는 쉽지 않습니다.

brupt 는 구글에 인덱싱 되어 있는 자료 중에서 마이크로소프트 DOC .PPT .XLS 확장자자를 가진 파일들과  PDF 로 작성된 문서들만을 전문적으로 검색해 줍니다. 검색하고자 하는 단어를 입력하고 검색을 하면, 상기 확장자의 문서만 검색을 하며 해당 검색 결과를 클릭하면 바로 다운로드 됩니다. 한글 검색도 이상없이 지원합니다. 검색시 개별 확장자 검색도 가능합니다. 검색 결과에서 상단의 아이콘을 클릭하면 해당 자료들만 추려낼 수도 있습니다.

ps:whereisDOC사이트도 위와 동일한 문서 파일을 검색해 주는 웹사이트입니다. 보다 다양한 포맷을 검색해 주는 장점이 있습니다. 그리고 이 웹사이트 한국에서 만들어진 웹사이트(아래 댓글 참조)입니다...^^
by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 22:54

Since Web Designer Wall launched, I’ve been featuring a lot of graphic intense websites such as the artistic, large background, vintage, and illustrative styles. Now it is time to feature the minimalist design. Here is a massive list of 50 minimal sites. See how designers use minimal elements to create high visual impact — less is more.

Hot Meteor


Vitor Lourenco


Arty Papers


Mark Boulton Design




Design Work Plan


Made by Sofa


Shift px


Frank Chimero


80/20 Studio




Aen UI




Rustin Jessen




Information Architects


Wilson Miner


The Man in the Sea


Built by Buffalo




Concentric Studio


Rikcat Industries


Studio Mikmik


Andy Rutledge






Chama Inc


Kind Company


Jon Tangerine


Mark Wieman


Winnie Lim


Matt Bango


David Sutoyo


Jason Santa Maria


Rodrigo Galindez


J. Bradford Dillon


Alpha Bros


Joni Korpi


Grow (flash)




Polar Gold






Mark Dearman


Odd Web Things




Jason Duerr


72 Dots




Wonderful Union


by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 22:54

Most Designers share their Creative design stuffs to others for free. so that others can learn from their works, At sometimes these collection will become marvelous time saver.Here I’ve listed 30+ Quality PSD Resource to Download varies form special effect files to card templates and more, hope you like the download list, Also be aware about license terms and agreements before You put them in use.

1) Browser Template

30+ Free Quality PSD Files to Download

2) Fire PSD

30+ Free Quality PSD Files to Download

3) iPhone UI Psd

30+ Free Quality PSD Files to Download

4) DVD Plastic Case PSD

30+ Free Quality PSD Files to Download

5) DVD Label - PSD Template

30+ Free Quality PSD Files to Download

6) DVD Case Template

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7) Globe Resource

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8) Credit Card PSD

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9) Creative pack PSD

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10) Free PSD

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11) Cream and Milk PSD

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12) iPod Classic PSD

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13)  Landscape  Layered PSD

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14) Login Panel PSD

30+ Free Quality PSD Files to Download

15) Office Items PSD

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16)  Auro Avatar PSD

30+ Free Quality PSD Files to Download

17) Cassette PSD

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18) Plasma TV PSD

30+ Free Quality PSD Files to Download

19) Design Resource PSD

30+ Free Quality PSD Files to Download

20) Skate Board PSD

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21) Star Sticker PSD

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22) 3D Cube PSD

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23) PSD Swirls

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24) Holland Dream Fantasy PSD

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25) Scrap Bird PSD

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26) Vista Flare PSD

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27) Yosai

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28) Battery PSD

30+ Free Quality PSD Files to Download

29) T-Shirt PSD

30+ Free Quality PSD Files to Download

30) Angels Wings PSD

30+ Free Quality PSD Files to Download

31) Deluxive-Shelf Pack PSD

30+ Free Quality PSD Files to Download

32) Plastic Plant PSD

30+ Free Quality PSD Files to Download

33) Orange Chair PSD

30+ Free Quality PSD Files to Download

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 22:53

사진을 촬영한 후 인물과 같은 주 피사체를 배경으로부터 분리해야 할 경우가 많이 있습니다. 상업사진의 경우는 주 피사체와 배경을 별도로 촬영하여 합성해야 할 필요가 더욱 많습니다. 디지털 아트 작업을 할때에도 필수적으로 활용되는 방법입니다.


인물을 배경으로부터 분리할 때 흔히 누끼딴다라는 표현을 많이 하는데 이것은 Pen 툴로 일일이 외곽을 따라 그린 후 선택영역으로 변환하여 분리하는 방법입니다. 가장 간단한 방법으로는 Earase 툴로 바로 지우거나, 레이어 마스크를 활용하여 배경을 지우는 방법이 있습니다. 그리고 조금 더 고급 과정에서는 채널 정보를 활용하여 채널 마스크를 만들고 알파 채널로 만들어 저장 후 레이어 마스크로 적용하기도 합니다.


이번에 알아볼 기능은 배경에서 인물을 분리하는 방법 중 제가 아는 범위에서 가장 쉬운 방법인 것 같아서 소개해 드립니다. 사용하게 될 툴은 Magic Eraser (단축키 E) 입니다. 저는 그동안 한번도 써 보지 않았는데 냐옹이주인님의 아래 글을 통해서 이 툴의 기능을 알게 되고 활용해 보니 정말 편한 기능이라 다시 한번 기능 활용 방법을 정리해 보았습니다.


>> 냐옹이주인님 강좌 링크

배경 분리를 위한 사진을 준비한다

기본적으로 피사체와 배경을 분리하기에 좋은 사진이 어떤 것인지 알 필요가 있습니다. 아래 샘플 사진과 같이 인물의 의상과 배경의 색상이 차이가 날수록 좋습니다. 영화를 찍을 때 합성할 장면은 블루 스크린 앞에서 인물 촬영 후 배경과 합친다는 것을 알고 계실 겁니다. 인물이나 주 피사체를 배경과 분리할 경우에는 주 피사체의 색상과 대비되는 색상으로 배경처리를 하는 것이 아주 중요합니다.


아래 사진은 일반 스냅 사진으로 흰옷과 머리결을 배경과 분리하는데 그다지 어렵지 않은 경우입니다. 이런 경우에 가장 효과적인 툴이 바로 Magic Eraser 툴입니다.

배경 분리를 위한 준비작업

원본을 보존하기 위해 레이어를 하나 더 복사합니다 단축키 [Ctrl + J]

. 새로운 레이어를 하나 더 추가합니다. 아래 휴지통 아이콘 왼쪽의 New Layer 아이콘을 클릭하면 됩니다.

. 새로 만들어진 레이어를 원본 사진을 복사한 레이어 아래로 옮깁니다. 아래 그림을 보면 Layer 2 Layer 1 아래에 있는 것을 확인하실 수 있습니다.

. 단축키 D를 눌러 전경색을 흰색으로 바꿉니다.

. 단축키 Alt + Delete 를 눌러 Layer 2 를 전경색으로 채웁니다.


Layer 2 를 만드는 것은 Layer 1 에서 배경을 지울 때 어떤 부분이 지워졌는지 확인하게 위해서입니다. 꼭 흰색이 아니라 구별을 위해 어떤 색으로 채우셔도 상관없습니다.

Magic Eraser
툴 이해하기

단축키 E 를 누르면 지우개 툴의 종류가 바뀌게 되는데 위에 보이는 아이콘이 바로 Magice Eraser 툴입니다.

Magic Eraser 툴을 선택하면 위와 같은 옵션바가 나타납니다. Tolerance 값을 크게 해서 비슷한 색상의 픽셀들을 한꺼번에 지우고, 값을 작게 해서 정밀하게 픽셀들을 지울 수 있습니다. 클릭한 곳의 픽셀 색상값에 대한 관용도라고 이해하시면 되고 몇번 해 보시면 금방 이해하실 수 있습니다.

Anti-alias 를 체크해 주시고, contiguous 는 연결된 픽셀에 대해서 적용하기 위한 것인데 대부분의 경우 체크해서 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. Sample All Layers 도 체크해서 여러 개의 레이어가 있더라도 전체 레이어에 적용이 되도록 하시고 Opacity 100%로 작업하시면 됩니다.

Magic Eraser
작업 과정 1단계

Magic Eraser 툴로 인물 주변의 배경을 그저 클릭만 하시면 위와 같이 바뀌게 됩니다. 흰색으로 보이는 부분은 위에서 봤던 아래 레이어의 흰색이 보이는 것이 실제 해당 레이어에서는 색상이 지워진 것입니다.

Magic Eraser
작업 과정 2단계

아래 레이어를 모두 끈 상태에서 살펴보면 배경이 점차 투명으로 지워지고 있는 것을 확인하실 수 있습니다. 손과 손아래 옷 부분에서는 Tolerance 값을 12 정도로 줄여서 클릭하시면 됩니다. 너무 많이 지워지면 단축키 Ctrl + Z 하시고 사진을 단축키 +로 확대하신 후 Tolerance 값을 더 줄여서 클릭하시면 됩니다. 현재 상태의 레이어 상황을 살펴보면 아래와 같습니다.

Magic Eraser 작업 과정 3단계

외곽선을 따라 세밀한 작업이 끝났다면 그 외 나머지 영역은 일반 Eraser 툴을 이용하여 슥슥 지우시면 됩니다. 그 결과는 아래와 같습니다. 완전하게 깨끗이 지워졌습니다. 여기까지 Magic Eraser 툴과 Eraser 툴로 몇분 걸리지 않는 작업입니다. 정말 초간단 작업입니다.

Magic Eraser 작업 과정 최종 단계

배경이 완전히 지워진 이미지에 적당한 배경과 합성을 한다면 얼마든지 내가 원하는 분위기의 사진으로 바꿀 수 있습니다. 아래는 낯선 거리에서 손가락에 불을 피워올리는 마술을 하고 있는 현선씨의 모습입니다. 신속한 강좌 작성의 목적상 조금 자연스럽지 못한 배경입니다만 시간을 가지고 원근 비율과 분위기에 맞는 배경을 찾으신다면 깜쪽 같은 합성을 하실 수 있을 겁니다.


포토샵에서 제법 많은 기능들을 활용하고 있다고 생각했는데 Magic Eraser 툴을 이번에 써 보면서 제가 잘 활용하지 않고 있는 기본 툴의 기능들을 조금 더 살펴봐야겠다는 생각이 들었습니다. 여러분들에게도 Magice Eraser 툴이 좀 더 자주 사용되는 툴이 되길 바랍니다. ^^

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 22:30

살짝 뜬금없는 포스팅입니다만 새로운 서비스를 하나 런칭했습니다. 다음의 이름으로 런칭한건 아닙니다. 어떻게 보면 구글의 80/20처럼 저희 동영상개발팀에서 잠시 저희랑 같이 생활했던 인턴들과 함께 만든 서비스입니다. 머랄까요? 프로토타입보다는 진지하고 실제 서비스의 직전에 있는 그런 서비스입니다. 역시 제 트위터에서 몇번 거론했었습니다. 그때는 코드명이였지만 말입니다. 바로 코드명 타마마입니다. :)

아 귀여워라! 다음 동영상이 처음 시작할 때 팀 코드는 Keron이였습니다. 지금 저희가 사용하고 있는 tv팟 서버들의 호스팅명도 Keron을 접두어로 사용하고 있습니다. 머 팀장의 개인적 취향이 물씬 반영되어 있다고 보셔도 무방하겠습니다. 타마마라는 코드명은 이번 프로젝트가 조금 작은 크기의 프로젝트이고 빨리 진행하고 아이디어를 확인해보고 싶었기 때문에 사용했습니다. 

서비스를 간단하게 설명드리면 요즘 트위터에서 웹주소를 주고 받을 때 항상 사용하는 서비스의 저희 팀 버젼입니다. 바로 

인터넷 주소를 줄여주는 서비스

입니다. 현재 가장 유명한 서비스는 tinyurl입 니다. 1억건이 넘는 url을 가지고 있습니다. 처음 저도 저 서비스를 보았을 때는 그리 유용하다는 생각을 하지 않았습니다. 그렇지만 모바일이나 여타 메시지의 제약이 있는 환경에서는 필수라는 생각을 하게 되었습니다. 예를 들어볼까요? 

아쿠아가 주로 이용하는 설탕몰에서 드리밍에게 이거 사도 되냐고 메신저로 물어볼 때가 있습니다. 그럼 어떤 주소가 보통 오냐면

이런 주소입니다. 그나마 이런 주소는 짧은 편이죠. 이 경우는 검색을 통한 경우고 다른 수많은 경우가 생깁니다. 그럴때마다 주소는 급속하게 길어지니다. 

이런 웹주소를 현재의 주 유통체널은 아무래도 메신저입니다. 그렇지만 앞으로 스마트폰이라고 불리던 그냥 폰이던 다 웹브라우징에 대한 지원을 강화할 수 밖에 없습니다. sms를 통해 주소를 보내야하는 상황이 오는 것이죠. 지금 현재 트위터의 경우 메시지의 길이는 140이고 국내는 장문메시지가 아니면 80자입니다. 저 주소가 몇 자일까요?

121자 입니다.

그러면 한국의 경우 바로 (비싼) 장문메시지로 보내야하고 트위터는 저 주소를 붙이고 나면 19자를 쓸 수 있습니다. 거의 의사표현을 할 수 없는 숫자이지요. 그래서 우후죽순으로 수많은 주소를 줄여주는 서비스가 등장하고 있는 겁니다. 저희 서비스로 줄여볼까요?


트위터에서는 122자를 더 써도 되고 국내에서도 62자를 더 써도 됩니다. 와웅! 
그래서 꼭 필요하긴 하겠죠. 서비스화를 고민하게 되었습니다. 그렇지만 애매하죠. 남들 다 하는 것을 굳이 동영상 개발팀에서 사이드프로젝트로 할 이유가 없으니까요. 저도 여러 사람들에게 어느 정도 시간을 쓰겠다는 것을 컨펌은 받아야 하니까요. 음 그러다가 불연듯 snap.com이 생각났습니다. 링크를 걸면 해당 사이트의 이미지를 보여주는 서비스죠. 음 두가지를 합쳐보면 어떨까하는 생각을 했습니다.

거기다가 저 짧은 주소에는 치명적인 약점이 있습니다. 주소를 줄이다보니 원래 주소의 도메인까지 알아볼 수가 없는 것이지요. 방문해도 좋을지 말지 알 수가 없습니다.

거기에 하나 더 치명적인 약점은... 그래서 tinyurl이 어떻게 돈을 번다는 것인지 알 수 없었습니다. 흠 다 좋은데 자기들이 가진 정보들을 통계 리포트로 바꿔서 팔건가? 흠 희안한 놈들을쎄 머 이 정도인 것이죠. 

문제를 하나하나 풀어봤습니다.

1. 도메인을 몰라본다 - 방문하기 전에 중간단계를 둔다.
2. 중간단계를 두게되면 사람들이 짜증낸다. 그 이상의 가치를 줘야한다. - 미리보기는 어떨까?
3. 돈은 어떻게 벌까? - 유저가 최종 방문할 사이트를 알고 있는 상태이니 거기에 맞는 광고를 집행한다.

이 정도 고민을 마치고 이제 기술적 문제를 풀어야 하죠. 가장 큰 문제는 미리보기입니다.
미리보기가 머 그리 어렵냐고 하시겠지만 대부분의 캡쳐 솔루션은 다들 윈도우즈 기반입니다. 다른 말로 한다면 다음 내에서는 발을 못붙이는 것이죠. 퍼포먼스부터 관리까지 아주 골치아픕니다. 일반 다음의 리눅스 장비에서 캡쳐를 해결해야 서비스를 할 수 있습니다. 그래서 해결했죠. :) 그 다음은 scalability! 이건 더 간단합니다. 다음의 이미 검증된 솔루션들로 개발하면 되는 것이죠. 마지막은 인턴분들 경험없는 인턴들을 대리고 어떻게 일을 할까? 그건 또 동영상 개발팀의 찍어내기 프레임워크 - 파스타를 사용하는 것으로 해결했습니다.

후다다닥 달려서 결과가 나왔습니다. 이제 어떻게 사용하나 볼까요?
우선 주소는 두개입니다. / 주소 꽤 괜찮습니다. 한글로 '여기'를 영어자판으로 치시면 durl이 나온답니다. 

깔끔하죠? 다음의 이름으로 하는 서비스가 아니다보니 원하는데로 디자인에게 부탁할 수 있어서 행복했습니다. 슬로건이 보이내요. 나름 차별화 요인들을 단어로 정리한 것입니다. 

No Confusing Characters in Key!
아직은 타이핑이나 읽어야 할 상황이 많으니까요.
키에서 i,l,O,0 등을 빼버렸습니다. 

Preview before Visiting
방문전에 타이틀과 간단한 캡쳐이미지로
방문할지 말지 결정 가능!

Short, Simple, Open
간단하고 편하고 그리고 오픈API
준비중이에요. :)

사용은 간단! 주소를 넣고 버튼을 누르면 다음 페이지로 이동합니다.

flash까지 캡쳐하긴 합니다만 아쉬운건 아직은 리다이렉팅등 조금 처리를 더 고민해봐야 할 부분들이 있습니다. 이번 주중에 거의 다 마무리가 될 것 같아요. 저기 나온 주소를 클립보드로 복사하고 직접 방문하게 되면

요런 작은 창을 만나게 됩니다. 모바일에 맞춰 만들었어요. 정확하게는 iPhone기준으로 작업했다고 보시면 되겠습니다. 방문할지 말지는 결정하시는데로~ ;)

간단한 서비스이지만 나름 얻은 것들도 많습니다. 사이트 캡쳐의 경우 여러 곳에 응용이 가능해서요. 간단하게 farm을 만들어 제공할까 고민중입니다. 사이트 캡쳐의 경우에도 다양한 크기의 이미지, 지금 생각은 Original, Medium, Small 정도 3단계로 제공해서 여타 서비스에서 사용할 수 있도록 할 생각입니다. 티스토리같은 경우는 플러그인으로 제공해서 링크들 알아서 줄여주고 snap.com과 같은 서비스를 제공할 수도 있겠죠. 

나름 즐겁게 작업했습니다. 
구글의 80/20과는 다르게 하는 일은 다 하고 추가 20까지 요구한 팀장을 잘 따라준 팀원들에게 감사! 머 야근보다는 평소 빡빡하게 일하게 된거겠지만 흐흐흐흐 그리고 덜컥 인턴이라고 들어왔더니 나름 강한 요구를 마고 쏟아낸 엉뚱한 팀장을 잘 따라준 3명의 인턴분들에게도 감사드립니다. 곧 또 뵐 수 있겠지요? :)


케로로 소대원은 꽤 많아서요. 바로 다음 사이드프로젝트로 또 들어갔습니다. 이건 계속 진화시켜가면서 추가 하나 더 하는거죠. 다음 프로젝트는 꽤 머리를 많이 사용해야하고 거기다가 하드웨어까지 엮은 건으로 생각하고 있습니다. 그래서 프로젝트 명은 "쿠루루" 입니다. 얼른 해치워야 할텐데... (찌릿찌릿)

내일은 드디어 "예제로 시작하는 아이폰 개발" 실물을 보여드릴 수 있겠습니다. 기대해 주셔요! :) 앗! 그리고 바로 다음에 나올 아이폰 책에 대한 소개도 같이 하게 되겠군요. 으흐흐흐흐

너무 바쁘다는... -_-;
하여간 어디 가시지 마시고 내일도 들려주셔요. :)

'웹스터디 > domain' 카테고리의 다른 글

다양한 부가기능과 함께 긴 웹주소를 짦게 만들어주는 Snurl  (0) 2009.06.06
저렴한 도메인  (0) 2009.01.06
닷com 도메인 가격 분석  (0) 2009.01.06
닷네임코리아  (0) 2009.01.06
by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 22:28

We continue to deliver fresh high-quality freebies to our readers and we continue to pursue the diversity of subjects that we are going to cover on Smashing Magazine. From the beginning of the year each icon set is supposed to be dedicated to some specific theme or topic that may turn out to be useful for your next project. Today we are releasing 3 free high-quality icon sets.

Tools Icon Set

Tools always come in handy. For instance, if you are designing an online-store you may need some easily recognizable tool icons to indicate some categories. And this is where this set, designed by David Mottram, may help you out. This set contains 8 free icons (bookmark, caliper, gear, hammer, screwdriver, toolbox, tools, window) in the format .png in resolutions 64×64px, 128×128px and 256×256px.

As usual, the set is available for free download and can be used without any restrictions whatsoeve. You can freely use it for both your private and commercial projects, including software, online services, templates and themes. The set may not be resold, sublicensed, rented, transferred or otherwise made available for use. Please link to this article if you would like to spread the word.

Icon Set

Horror Icon Set

If you are designing some project that is supposed to be scary - be it a Halloween-themed site, a private blog or an online-store with some particular merchandise - you may need some beautiful yet scary icons to set up the atmosphere on your site. David Arazim created a horror icon set for this very purpose. The set contains 8 icons (axe, bat, eye, grave, gun, jason, skull, voodoo) and is available for free download and use.

Icon Set

Twitter Icon Set

Currently everybody is speaking about Twitter. This lifestreaming application is supposed to be the next big thing. In fact, we added a “tweet about us”-image at the bottom of our posts. But maybe you would like to add something more colorful to your blog? This is why we release this icons set, a set of 6 cute tweet-birds, designed by Gopal Raju. The package contains high-quality 360×360 transparent .png-files. The set is available for free download and use.

Icon Set

Related Posts

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 19:48

Web and graphic designers are always looking for excellent sources of inspiration. Of course, web design and CSS galleries are common sources, but there are countless websites that provide inspiration from other types of design. In this post you’ll find categories such as product design, architecture, fashion, illustration, logo design, typography, motion graphics, and more.

With a list of this size I’m sure you’ll find some new sources of inspiration that you weren’t previously familiar with. Of course, no one can keep up with all of these choices, so find the ones that work best for you and keep the others bookmarked for the future.

Web Design Galleries:

Most readers of this blog are well aware of design and CSS galleries,so rather than listing 100 of them, I’ll point out a few of my favorites and some that I think are unique in one way or another.

Pattern Tap

An awesome source of inspiration that categorizes the featured sites by the type of inspiration, such as comment design, 404 pages, e-commerce websites, login forms, and much more. The categorization makes the site unique and immensely useful.


Best Web Gallery

Quality over quantity. Nick La’s Gallery is the highest quality, in my opinion. New sites are featured regularly, although there are not as many sites posted as compared to many other galleries.


CSS Mania

Quantity over quality. CSS Mania features several new sites each day, although some of the sites featured are not as high quality as others. It’s a great place to go if you want to find lots of sites to look at.


We Love WP

We Love WP is a showcase of websites and blogs powered by WordPress.


Design Snips

Showcasing snippets of great design, Design Snips is similar to Pattern Tap with it’s categorization. Some of the categories include banners, buttons, backgrounds, etc.



Inspiration from flash-based sites. A new site is posted each day.


Most Inspired

If you’re looking to save some time browsing various galleries, Most Inspired is an aggregator that showcases the sites featured in many different galleries.



A web design gallery with a different feel.


Image/Photo Sharing and Bookmarking:

Sharing and bookmarking images is a great way to keep track of your favorite inspirational sources, and you can also browse through the items uploaded or bookmarked by other users.


An invitation-only image bookmarking service. The images bookmarked by users are showcased for the inspiration of the rest of us.


We Heart It







Design You Trust

Design Your Trust is not exactly like the other sites featured in this section, but it’s a site/blog where users can register and share images.




Excellent Flickr groups for inspiration:

Graphic Design Showcases:

The sites listed in this category are all a little bit different from one another, but each one provides inspirational pieces of graphic design in various forms.








Graphic-ExchanGE showcases different projects of graphic design. If you browse through the site you’re sure to find plenty of inspiration.



Graphic design, typography, grid systems, minimalism and modernism.


Blood Sweat Vector

Featuring vector art from a variety of different designers.


Design in Europe



There are a number of different websites where you can post your own design portfolio to be shared with other users. Of course, all of these portfolios also serve as excellent sources of design inspiration.

Behance Network










Creative Binge


Creative Hotlist


CG Society







Galleries at

The galleries at showcase award winning designs.


PDF Mags

A huge collection of free PDF magazines.



Showcasing newspaper design.


Advertising Inspiration:

Ads can often be an excellent source of inspiration. Unfortunately, I didn’t find much in this area, so if you know of other sites please share in the comments.

Ads of the World



Typography is an important part of many different kinds of design. These sites showcase exceptional examples of typography that can inspire you in your own work.

Typography Served

From the Behance Network.



A niche web design gallery that focuses on sites with outstanding typography.


Product Design:

Product design from around the world can be both inspirational and amusing. Product design can be one of the most creative fields of design.

The Dieline

One of the best sources of product design inspiration with frequent posts.





Also from the NOTEMPIRE.



Design in drinks.


Design Sponge

Home and product design.


We Heart Stuff

The latest products and trends.


Off the Shelf

A small gallery of Japanese product design.


Motion Graphics:

Warning: You may find yourself spending a lot of time watching these.

Motion Graphics Served

From the Behance Network.




Logo Design:

Logo designers have a number of sites specifically dedicated to logo design inspiration.



Logo of the Day


Logo Faves




Brand New





Illustration is a favorite of many designers and artists. These five sites specialize in showcasing excellent works of illustration.





Illustration Web






Multi-Purpose Galleries:

The sites listed in this category are galleries that showcase more than just one type of design.


Logos, business cards and websites.


Gallery from Highend3D

Abstract, characters, concept art, architecture, nature, sci-fi, and more.



Websites, illustration, vector art, photo manipulation, and more.


Posters and Album Covers:

The music and movie industry provide plenty of design inspiration in terms of posters and album covers.

Gig Posters

The best site for finding gig posters from bands of all kinds.



A gallery of album covers.


Movie Post Addict

Movie posters of all kinds.


IMP Awards

Regular postings of movie posters.


Book Design:

Books design gets less attention than many other types of design, but can be equally inspirational.

The Book Design Review

A blog focusing on book design.



“Judging books by their covers.”


Architecture and Interior/Home Design:

There are a number of sites that provide great inspiration from architecture and interior design. These are the best that I found, although I can’t claim to be very familiar with any of them.



Desire to Inspire




Architect Design




Arch Daily


MoCo Loco


Design Happens


Elements of Style


From Europe



There are probably many other excellent websites for fashion design inspiration, it’s just not an area of design that I’m very familiar with.

Fashion Served

From the Behance Network.



Fashion and a lot more.





Industrial Design:

If you’re looking for design inspiration but tired of browsing through web design galleries, industrial design can be another excellent source.

Industrial Design Served

From the Behance Network.


Yanko Design

Tons and tons of inspiration in the archives of this Technorati Top 100 blog.



The sites listed in this section display different types of artwork and/or photography.

Click for Art

Click for Art is an art marketplace. You don’t have to buy anything to be inspired by the work that’s available here.



Different chapters are posted every few months that feature work from various artists.


Photography Served

From the Behance Network.




The Raster Group



These sites are difficult to categorize, in most cases because they provide inspiration that could fit into multiple categories.

Design Milk

Art, architecture, furniture, technology, and more.


Net Diver

Illustration, photography, industrial design, and more.



Art, animation, illustration, advertising, architecture, and more.



Photography, graphic art, illustration, print design, and more.



Black and white design of all kinds.



Architecture, art, fashion, and more.


Design is Kinky

Photography, graphic design, and more.



A wide variety of all things creative.



Photography, graphic design, technology, and more.


A Cup of Jo

Art, photography, and fashion.


Cool Hunting

Art, design, culture, and technology.



Design and technology.


What are your favorite sources of design inspiration?

I know everyone has their own favorites, see feel free to list yours in the comments.

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 19:47

모질라 파이어폭스에 대해서 정리해 보려 합니다.

먼저 웹브라우져의 역사부터,

1. 웹브라유져 경쟁의 역사 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드
2. 현재 배포되고 있는 브라우져들 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드
3. 웹브라우져의 최신 기능들 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드

그 다음 모질라 파이어폭스란,

1. 모질라 파이어폭스란? @ 여우@보금자리
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4. 파이어폭스를 써야하는 10가지 이유 @ 웹초보의 Tech 2.1
5. 파이어폭스를 써야하는 진짜 이유 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드
6. 파이어폭스를 써야하는 이유 (보안) @ 파이어폭스 인사이드


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그리고 유용한 확장기능들이 있습니다. 이 확장기능들은 설치하셔도 되고 설치안하셔도 무방한 것들입니다. 그렇지만 파이어폭스에서 확장기능 빼면 파이어폭스는 시쳇말로 아무것도 아니죠. 취사선택하셔서 설치하시면 됩니다. 먼저 지금 쓰시고 계시는 파이어폭스 버젼을 확인해보세요. 가장 최근에 설치하셨다면 일 것입니다. 그리고나서 확장기능을 다운받아 설치하시려 할 때 그 확장기능이 자신이 사용하고 있는 파폭 버젼에서 사용 가능한 것인 지 버젼을 확인하신 후 설치하세요. 다운받으시려는 확장기능 웹페이지에 사용가능한 파폭 버젼의 범위가 표시되어 있을 것입니다. 파폭 확장기능을 검색해 보고 다운받을 수 있는 본디 장소는 여기 모질라 파이어폭스 누리집 입니다.

1. 웹초보가 추천하는 파이어폭스 확장기능 @ 웹초보의 Tech 2.1
2. 웹초보가 추천하는 파이어폭스 확장기능 part 2 @ 웹초보의 Tech 2.1
3. 추천할만한 파이어폭스 확장기능 @ 여름하늘
4. 파이어폭스에서 탭들을 썸네일로 보는 showcase @ 웹초보의 Tech 2.1
5. 탭 미리보기 Tab Scope @ 파이어폭스 인사이드
6. 윈도우 미디어 플레이어 플러그인 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드
7. 쉽고 빠르고 직관적인 컨트롤 탭 확장기능 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드
8. 파이어폭스에서 익스플로러 탭 열기 (IE Tab) @ 파이어폭스 인사이드
9. 익스플로러 전용 누리집 보기 기능 (IE View) @ 파이어폭스 인사이드
10. 화면분할 확장기능 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드


11. 마우스로 명령내리기 all in one gesture @ 파이어폭스 인사이드
12. Ms 파이어폭스용 플러그인 공개 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드
13. 탭 여러줄로 만들기 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드
14. 파이어폭스 확장기능 Aging Tabs @ 웹초보 Tech 2.1
15. 파이어폭스 확장기능과 설정 등을 백업하기 @ 웹초보 Tech 2.1
16. 불여우 탭전환시 3d 효과 적용하기 @ 여우@보금자리
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20. 불여우에서 원격블로깅 하기 @ 여우@보금자리
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23. 불여우 주메뉴 도구모음 감추기 @ 여우@보금자리
24. 불여우 전체화면을 보다 넓게 사용하기 @ 여우@보금자리
25. 불여우에서 문맥메뉴로 검색하기 @ 여우@보금자리
26. 불여우에서 탭미리보기 사용하기 @ 여우@보금자리
27. 빠른연결 스피드 다이얼 확장기능 @ 여우@보금자리
28. 불여우를 시스템 트레이로 옮기기 @ 여우@보금자리
29. 불여우 검색창에 검색엔진 쉽게 추가하기 @ 여우@보금자리
30. 한 화면에서 여러개의 탭보기 @ 여우@보금자리
31. 다음/네이버/엠파스/네이트/구글 이메일 확인하기 @ 여우@보금자리


파이어폭스는 환경설정도 사용자 입맞에 맞게 일일이 상세히 설정할 수 있습니다.

1. 불여우의 부가기능과 다운로드 창을 사이드바에 @ 웹초보 Tech 2.1
2. 파이어폭스 속도 올리는 팁 한가지 @ 웹초보 Tech 2.1
3. 파이어폭스에서 한글 주소 사용하기 @ 웹초보 Tech 2.1
4. 파이어폭스 최대한 넓게 쓰기 @ 웹초보 Tech 2.1
5. 파이어폭스 속도 향상시키기 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드
6. 파이어폭스 속도 향상시키기 2 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드
7. 파이어폭스 메모리 평균 50으로 만들자 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드
8. 페이지를 실수로 닫았는데 기억이 안날 때 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드
9. 불여우 간편하게 시작페이지 설정하기 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드
10. 파이어폭스 마우스 스크롤 범위 조정 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드

더 보기

파이어폭스 제거는 이렇게,

파이어폭스 완전히 삭제하기 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드

관련 사이트는,

 파이어폭스 관련 사이트 정리 @ 파이어폭스 인사이드

보 시다시피 '파이어폭스 인사이드' 블로그를 운영하시는 토이님의 글과 '웹초보의 Tech2.1' 블로그의 웹초보님 그리고 '여우@보금자리' 블로그의 불타는 여우님의 글을 많이 가져왔습니다. 이 블로그에 파이어폭스에 관한 좋은 정보들이 많이 담겨져 있습니다.

LEEGH.COM 에 담겨져 있는 파이어폭스에 관한 글을 더 보시려면 여기를 클릭하세요.

ps. 5월 7일 update.  불타는 여우님의 글을 추가했습니다.
by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 19:29

DISCLAIMER: I don’t “really” know anything about SEO. What I do know is the folks at Google and other big search engines are just human beings like us who have created and constantly tweak the search algorithms. Their goal is to give us what we want when searching, the best possible websites relevant to what we are searching for.

So let’s set aside all the fancy technical stuff and just use some good ol’ common sense.

1. Does this page have a good amount of honest information on it about the subject?

This is, by far, the most important one by my standards. I deal with businesses all the time that want to rank higher in search engines but then don’t provide any content. If you want to be the #1 search result for “ergonomic loafers”, you better start working on a bunch of written content about ergonomic loafers. Good, honest content. Not bullsh*t marketing mumbo jumbo and not keyword-soup. You need research, what they are, why they are good, where you can buy them, every last bit of expert knowledge about ergonomic loafers you can squeeze.

2. Is the information on this page well structured in the markup?

Let’s not get too technical here, but just focus on the common sense. When you “view source”, is the good content stuff right up near the top, or is it buried way down below a bunch of other non-related stuff? Are the important headers in <h1> tags? Is the title for the page something that makes sense?

3. There aren’t any stupid cheap “tricks”

Did your buddy tell you that you should put “paris hilton boobs” in white text on a white background at the bottom of the page so you could get people searching for that? Did you buy some service that promised to submit your sites to 3,253,313 search engines for ONLY $99.99! Did you put 500 keyword variations in your meta tags?

Don’t. Search engines are smarter than you. They are looking for dumb “tricks” like that and may even penalize you for them.

4. Is the URL for this page clean and relevant?

You are going to have a heck of an easier time ranking higher for “ergonomic loafers” if you own If your page about them is at - it’s going to be a lot harder. Common sense.

5. If you were researching this subject, would you find this page helpful? Would YOU link to it?

Take a step back, read the content, think about it. Put yourself in the mindset of a totally random visitor. Is this page useful? Did I learn something about the subject? If my mom emailed and wanted to know something about ergonomic loafers, would I send her this link or would I sent here somewhere better? If I was writing an article about ergonomic loafers, would I link to this?

6. Is the website a reliable source of quality information?

You might notice when googling, uhm, any major subject, Wikipedia articles tend to be around the top. Clearly Wikipedia has established them selves as a high quality source of information.

SEO compounds on itself. You will have an easier time ranking highly for a term if your site is an established and trustworthy source of information.

But I did all this stuff and I still don’t rank highly?!?!

Them is the knocks, kid. SEO doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a long time. Much of it is based on other sites that link back to your page, and you have no direct control over that. You just need to focus on what you do have control over, which is making your page as compelling as it can be and encourage those links.

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 19:07


G메일 쓰시는분에게 꽤 유용한 사이드바 트릭 같습니다. 이메일 작성할때 여러번의 버튼 클릭을 줄여주네요.

1. 먼저 G메일 로그인해서 "편지쓰기" 링크를 클릭하고 상단 오른쪽의 새창으로 열기 버튼을 클릭합니다.


2. 새창의 열리면 마우스 우클릭해서 "북마크에 추가"를 클릭합니다. 북마크를 저장할 적당한 위치를 선택하고 확인을 클릭합니다.


3. 저장된 북마크를 우클릭하고 "이 북마크를 탐색 창으로 열기"에 체크표시를 한뒤 확인을 클릭합니다.


4. 이제 해당 북마크를 클릭하면 사이드바에서 G메일의 편지쓰기 창이 열립니다.. ^^;

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 19:05

21 Typography and Font Web Apps You Can’t Live Without

Don’t you just love typography.


Useful Typography Web AppURL : Typechart
Description : Typechart lets you flip through, preview and compare web typography while retrieving the CSS.
Browse through all the typography styles and download the CSS of the style you want to use. If like me you love type and fonts you will spend hours browsing all the styles. Excellent tool.
Useful Typography Web App

CSS Type Set

Useful Typography Web AppURL : CSS Type Set.
Description : This marvellous tools lets you type in your desired text, and then play about with the hundreds of possible CSS permutations, and when you find the style you like copy and paste the CSS into your stylesheet. Powerful yet simple.
Useful Typography Web App


Useful Typography Web AppURL : Typetester.
Description : Typetester is an online app for comparing different fonts for the screen, you can test up to three fonts at a time and choose the one you like. Its primary role is to make web designer’s life easier.
Useful Typography Web App


Useful Typography Web AppURL : STC fontBROWSER.
Description : The STC fontBROWSER is an online tool for browseing varoius fonts and viewing how your selected text looks with each. Handy.
Useful Typography Web App

Font Tester

Useful Typography Web AppURL : Font Tester.
Description : Font Tester is a free online font comparison tool. It allows you to easily preview and compare different fonts side by side with various CSS font styles applied to them.
Useful Typography Web App


Useful Typography Web AppURL : CSSTXT.
Description : CSSTXT is an online generator for creating CSS clocks of text. Choose from: letter-spacing, word-spacing, font-size, line-height, border, font-size, font-family, align, color…
Useful Typography Web App


Useful Typography Web AppURL : WhatTheFont.
Description : Ever wanted to find a font just like the one used by certain publications, corporations, or ad campaigns? Well now you can. Upload a scanned image of the font and instantly find the closest matches within there database.

Font Picker

Useful Typography Web AppURL : Font Picker.
Description : This simple tool shows you all the fonts installed on your computer and helps you choose which one is most suitable for a particular project.

Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds

Useful Typography Web AppURL : Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds.
Description : Wordle is an app for generating “word clouds” from the text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes.
Useful Typography Web App

Typotheque Hi-Res FontTester

Useful Typography Web AppURL : Typotheque Hi-Res FontTester.
Description : This is a useful tool from Typotheque, it is limited to only the fonts available to buy from the site. All the same, it is good fun playing about with it, and you can create a PDF file from the end results.

Linotype Font Finder

Useful Typography Web AppURL : Linotype Font Finder.
Description : Unlike WhatTheFont, this app asks you a series of questions related to the font you are trying to find or would like to use. And then recommends a font for you to use. A very precise and underated tool.

Font Burner

Useful Typography Web AppURL : Font Burner.
Description : Font Burner is a website enhancement tool that makes it easy for you to add new fonts to your website. Websites are limited to the default fonts that come with all computers, because a user must have the fonts installed on their computer in order to have it show up in their browser. Font Burner bypasses this limitation with our archive of fonts that work universally in all browsers and on all computers. By adding a simple block of code to your webpages you can transform your headlines from boring system fonts to any of the quality font.


Useful Typography Web AppURL : sIFR.
Description : sIFR is a method similiar to the Font Burner, it is an app to insert rich typography into web pages without sacrificing accessibility, search engine friendliness, or markup semantics. The method is called Scalable Inman Flash Replacement or sIFRfor short.


Useful Typography Web AppURL : Identifont .
Description : With Identifont you can find that font you are looking for by answering a series of questions (similiar premise to Typotheques Hi-Res FontTester), or type in the fonts name and be given a sample of text using that particulat font.


Useful Typography Web AppURL : TypeNavigator.
Description : This is an interactive visual font search tool, what this means is that you have an image in your head of that perfect font, and the TypeNavigator helps you zero in on that perfect font you had visualized. I think that description sounds far too complicated. Great tool, though.
Useful Typography Web App

PXtoEM Conversion

Useful Typography Web AppURL : PXtoEM Conversion.
Description : This is not just a PX to Em convertor it is much, much more. Click the convert button at the top of the page and select your body font size, and then you have the conversion based on that size (you also have the option of a custom conversion). Then click the CSS button at the top of the page you will be presented with the CSS code based on your conversion. I love this tool.
Useful Typography Web App

Em Calculator

Useful Typography Web AppURL : Em Calculator.
Description : Em Calculator is a small JavaScript tool which helps making scalable and accessible CSS design. It converts size in pixels to relative em units, which are based on a text size.
Useful Typography Web App

Baseline Rhythm Calculator

Useful Typography Web AppURL : Baseline Rhythm Calculator.
Description : Type in your base Font Size (in px) and then type in your Base Line Height (Rhythm, in px), all the text on that page will automatically change based on your settings. It will also generate the CSS code for you. Just for fun type in 99999999 into the Font- Size box and then try and find the Font-Size box, you will be there for days.


Useful Typography Web AppURL : Fontifier.
Description : Fontifier lets you use your own handwriting for the text you write on your computer. It turns a scanned sample of your handwriting into a handwriting font that you can use in your word processor or graphics program, just like regular fonts such as Helvetica.

FontEditor BitfontMaker

Useful Typography Web AppURL : FontEditor BitfontMaker.
Description : BitfontMaker is an online app for creating your own fonts. For those not familiar with font creating software this is a great app to try your talents on first. It is very easy to use.
Useful Typography Web App


Useful Typography Web AppURL : FontEditor BitfontMaker.
Description : Typotheque is not a very useful web app, but it is cool. With your mouse click the letters on the visual keyboard and you have a man on screen who dances that particular letter. Honestly it is cool, it has to be seen to be believed.
Useful Typography Web App

As always please feel free to leave any comments.

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 18:43

There have been plenty of posts on the number of awesome jQuery plugins and where to find them. However, sometimes it is best not to rely on third party plugins and resources. Do it yourself the old fashioned way! Today, we will have a look at 20+ creative uses of jQuery in modern day websites and applications; sure to inspire you for your next project.

Author: Drew Douglass

Hi, I'm Drew and I am a freelance developer and designer. I love all things having to do with PHP, MySQL, CSS, or jQuery. You can find my weekly articles on the ThemeForest blog and at Feel free to follow me if you're a fellow twitter addict.

  • James Padolsey Color Switcher

    Screenshot 1

    One of our sporadic writers, James Padolsey, has a nice feature on his website. A "customize" bar in the top right portion of the screen allows you to change the background color of the header.

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  • Dragon Interactives jQuery Navigation

    Screenshot 1

    These guys are pretty much Gods of web design, and their site really proves it. Just have a look at the custom jQuery navigation they used on their homepage. Have you ever seen such a sexy navigation in your life?

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  • FamSpams FaceBox

    Screenshot 2

    FamFamFam needed a custom lightbox like script for FamSpam (whew, say that three times). They ended up building what is now know as FaceBox, which replicates the effects of lightbox, but goes above and beyond by allowing you to load in static html pages, contact forms, anything you wish really! FaceBox is now a jQuery plugin after all the demand for their script.

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  • Grooveshark Widget Creator

    Screenshot 3

    Instead of going with a typical flash menu/control menu, Grooveshark mixed it up a bit and built a custom jQuery script to allow you to make your own music widgets; pretty nifty indeed.

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  • CSS-Tricks Fade-In Navigation

    Screenshot 4

    CSS-Tricks, by Chris Coyier, is next up on the list with a wonderfully simple and creative jQuery navigation. When the links are hovered over, instead of immediately changing colors, jQuery is used to help the color fade slowly to the desired color.

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  • David Walsh Link Nudge

    Screenshot 5

    Developer David Walsh of implements an extremely simple to use script to give your links a little nudge on hover. The script utilizes the strong animation capabilities of jQuery triggered on hover. Check out the links in the sidebar and in the footer to see the effect in action.

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  • CarrotCreative-Custom Sites Lightbox

    Screenshot 6

    If you check out the CarrotCreative website, you will actually notice two really unique jQuery effects. Firstly, if you click on sites in the upper left, you will see a unique application of a 'lightbox' like effect listing their sites and icons. Secondly, if you click on any navigation links, you will notice there is no refresh, but that the new page just slides in from the right. Cool stuff!

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  • BrightCreative Portfolio

    Screenshot 7

    Another "two for one" special, Bright Creative uses an extremely subtle glow effect in their navigation that is very calming and warm. In addition, all of their portfolio pages have a tabbing effect, so their is no need for the user to refresh the page every time - thanks to AJAX and jQuery.

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  • Incredible Login Form

    Screenshot 1

    Not too long ago, Connor Zwick wrote us a nice tutorial that demonstrates exactly how to build an amazing drop-down login form.

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  • Application Scroller by Aviary

    Screenshot 8

    It would be an insult to call this a type of 'marquee' (shivers uttering that word). Instead, Aviary came up with a very nice looking and functioning 'scroller' to showcase a lot of text in a small amount of space. Even better is that the scroller will degrade gracefully is javascript is disabled.

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  • Featured Fade Effect by DesignFlavr

    Screenshot 9

    DesignFlavr, known for their great sources of design inspiration, put together a simple fadeIn/fadeOut script to showcase their featured artwork and corresponding descriptions. Also, they've used the lavalamp plugin quite well on their main navigation.

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  • Hv-Designs Fade In RSS Icon

    Screenshot 11

    On the Hv-Designs homepage, you will notice the the RSS icon starts off as an outline/sketch of the actual image. Then, when hovered, the rss icons 'glows' into place.

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  • Asylums Custom Scroller

    Screenshot 12

    Besides being an absolutely hilarious website, Asylum has their own sweet 'featured articles' scrolling script. It's hard to put a finger on why this one is so nice, but that is probably because it behaves slightly differently than most scrolling scripts. It almost seems to snap into place after you give it a click.

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  • 5 Javascript Tricks Made Easy with jQuery

    Screenshot 14

    Brian Reindel created a webpage showcasing 5 custom scripts you can use however you like. The article takes ideas and previous javascript techniques frequently used and utilizes jQuery to make them powerful, compact, and easy to read.

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  • Codas Entire Website

    Screenshot 15

    Coda is well known for its amazing UI and site design. It set a fire under the jQuery plugin community by inspiring many developers to re create their page tabbing effect. In addition, they have a wonderful on hover effect on the links located in the header.

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  • Clark Lab Fading Effect

    Screenshot 16

    ClarkLab is a well known and very successful author on ThemeForest. If you visit his portfolio below, you will notice the large header images eventually fade to the next, showcasing all of his latest work. The fade effect is so well done and subtle, you barely notice the new image showing up.

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  • Rob Young | E is for Effort

    Screenshot 17

    Designer and Art Director Rob Young used a unique idea of displaying his artwork on a simulated Mac screen. Then using jQuery scrolling effects, each new page slides into the page view as if it is being loaded on a computer.

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  • Web Designer Wall

    Screenshot 18

    Besides being a visually stunning website, WDW features some unique custom jQuery scripting to add classes to certain elements on hover. Check out the effects when the rss and navigation items are hovered over.

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  • Junaid W. Hanif

    Screenshot 19

    Another really cool tabbing effect - instead of arrows however, pagination and AJAX is used to create a sleek and clean user experience. Plus, the navigation has a very nice albeit simple effect.

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  • KomodoMedia

    Screenshot 19

    I've saved my absolute favorite site for last. First, just look at that design, it's wonderfully unique and comforting. Using one of the most creative jQuery scripts I have ever seen, KM has a 'foliage-o-meter' slider where sliding it either increases or decreases the foliage and design of the theme, depending on the direction the slider is moved. For an easter egg be sure to check out the source code!

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Keep in mind that jQuery is simply a tool and is only limited by your creativity and skill level. Get unique with your designs and development process and you might be surprised to see great results occur. Please be sure to share any of your favorite websites featuring unique uses of jQuery in the comments section below! ...And a Digg or Stumble would be greatly appreciated! :)

  • Subscribe to the NETTUTS RSS Feed for more daily web development tuts and articles.

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 18:42

지금까지 만난 포토샵 브러쉬 무료 다운로드 사이트qbrushes.com최고의 퀄리티와 화려함을 자랑하는 사이트라고 할 수 있겠습니다. 화려하고 멋진 포토샵 브러쉬를 무료 다운로드 받아 자유롭게 쓸 수 있는 곳을 찾는 포토샵 유저에게는 더할 나위없이 아주 유익한 정보가 될 것입니다.

Free Quality PS brushes -

Qbrushes.com은 정말 고품질, 고해상도의 포토샵 브러쉬를 8개의 카테고리(Abstract/Grunge/Misc/Nature/Objects/Plants/Splatter/Swirls)로 나누어 잘 정리해 놓았으며, 주기적인 업데이트를 통해 새로운 포토샵 브러쉬 자료들이 올라 옵니다.

블로그 테마, 블로그 스킨 디자인 작업에도 아주 유용하고, 비주얼이 강한 그래픽 작업에도 다양하게 활용할 수 있는 고품질의 브러쉬들을 놀랍게도 무료로 제공하고 있다는 것이 qbrushes.com만의 매력이기도 합니다.

포토샵 브러쉬를 자주 사용하는 분 즐겨찾기를 하시거나 RSS로 구독하시면서 업데이트 되는 새로운 브러쉬를 무료 다운로드 하셔서 유용하게 활용하시길 바랍니다.

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 18:42

-유의사항- (이대로 안하시면 IE 즐겨찾기 기능이 바보 될 수 있어요.. ;;)

설치전 IE가 기본 브라우저로 설정되어 있다면 기본 브라우저를 다른 브라우저로 바꾸셔야합니다.
Internet Explorer Collection 설치시 먼저 기존에 사용하시던 IE Developer Toolbar를 제거하는 것이 좋습니다. Collection 패키지에 IE Developer Toolbar 최신 버전(1.00.2188.0)이 이미 포함되어 있기 때문에 기존 낡은 버전의 Toolbar를 삭제하지 않으면 결국 서로 다른 버전의 Toolbar가 각각 설치 됩니다. 설치 직후 Developer Toolbar가 보이지 않거나 작동하지 않으면 IE 7 브라우저를 실행한 다음 ‘도구 > 추가기능관리(Tools > Manage Add-ons)’ 메뉴에서 IE Developer Toolbar가 Disable 되어 있는지 확인하시고 Enable 상태로 전환 하시면 됩니다.


Internet Explorer Collection은 IE 1.0부터 IE 8.0까지 인터넷 익스플로러 전 버전을 하나로 묶은 패키지입니다.

기존에 있던 IE를 건드리지 않고 별도로 설치되며, 비스타와 윈도우 7도 지원하니 웹디자인 호환성 테스트 할 때 유용하겠죠.. ^^;

다운로드 Inernet Explorer Collection (52.4MB)

지원되는 IE 버전과 운영체제의 호환성

설 치화면에서 IE 버전과 개발자용 툴바 설치 여부를 지정할 수 있습니다. IE 1.0부터 5.5까지는 실제로 쓸모도 없고 구동하기도 힘드니.. 아주 강한 호기심의 보유자가 아니라면 그냥 6.0이상 부터 설치하기를 추천합니다.. –_-;


제 XP 시스템의 경우 IE 6.0 이상부터 별다른 문제 없이 실행되지만, 아직 버그가 많아 기본 브라우저로 사용하기는 무리입니다.

추억의 IE 1.5도 실행이 되지만.. 무지막지한 렌더링 엔진의 성능 때문에 갈 곳이 없습니다.. ;;

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 18:04

블로그를 하는 사람이라면 피드버너를 쓰는 사람이 많을 것이다

설치형 블로그일 경우 트랙픽을 줄여주기도 하며, 구독자 파악, 반영구 피드 주소 생성 등 여러가지 좋은 기능들이 많이 있다

오늘은 많은 기능중 가장 기본으로 사용하는 BrowserFriendly에 관해 살펴 볼까 한다

대부분 블로그에 피드버너 주소를 연결한 구독 아이콘을 설치해 놨을 것이다  그걸 클릭해 보면

위 이미지처럼 리더기를 선택할 수 있는 창이 뜬다  하지만 아쉬운건 국내 리더기는 지원을 하지 않는다  그래서 주소창의 피드주소를 복사해 직접 리더기에 입력해야 한다  그로인해 많은 사람들이 국내 피드 아이콘을 따로 블로그에 설치를 한다  아마 피드 아이콘을 여러개 달아놓은 사람들이 많을 것이다

여기에 설명하고자 하는건 이곳에 국내 피드 아이콘을 추가하는 방법이다

위 이미지는 본인의 리더기 선택 페이지이다  보다시피 국내 리더기인 HanRss, WZD, Fish 를 추가해 놨다  그밑에 추가된 Anothr 은 메신져로 피드 구독을 해주는 곳이다

우선 피드버너로 접속하자  대부분 피드버너 가입시 처음 설정하는게 BrowserFriendly 이니 어디쯤 있는지 알것이다  그곳으로 이동한다

위 이미지에 보듯이 More subscription option 이란 항목이 있다 여길 클릭한다

그러면 좀 더 많은 피드 아이콘이 보일 것이다  하지만 이곳에도 국내 피드 아이콘이 없다  언젠가는 국내 피드 아이콘도 기본으로 서비스 되기를 희망해 본다  그 밑에 주소창이 있고 그 밑에 How do I offer a subscription option not listed here? 이란 곳이 있다  말 그대로 리스트에 없는 리더기를 추가 시키는 방법이 나와 있다 클릭을 해보면

위처럼 친절하게 영어로 잘 설명이 되어 있다  잘 읽고 따라하면 국내 피드 아이콘도 추가를 할 수 있다

여기서 끝을 내고 싶었지만, 어디서 돌 날아 올까봐(^^;;;) 추가 설명 들어간다

위에 내용을 간략하게 설명하자면 피드 아이콘을 추가하기 위해서는 XML 파일을 만들어야 한다  기본적인 형태는

<Title>Add to Some Cool Service</Title>
<Description>Use this feed with some cool service.</Description>
<Text>Subscribe with Some Cool Service</Text>
<Image src=""/>
<Link href="${feedUrl}"/>

이것이다  이걸 바탕으로 국내 리더기를 적용시켜 XML 파일을 만들면 된다

본인이 만든 XML 파일을 첨부해 놓겠다


순서대로 HanRss, WZD, Fish 이다  다른게 또 뭐가 있는지 모르겠는데 본인은 일단 이거 3개만 추가했다

그 럼 위에서 받은 xml 파일을 어떻게 사용해야 할 것인가 하면, 웹호스팅 계정에 올려야 한다  테터툴즈나 텍스트 큐브를 쓰는 사람은 어치피 유료 계정을 사용하니 별 상관은 없지만,  티스토리 유저라면 무료 계정 아무거나 하나 구하면 된다  계정에 제대로 올렸다면 테스트겸 http://본인의 계정주소/hanrss.xml 을 브라우저 창에 입력해 봐라

위이미지처럼 뜨면 제대로 된 것이다

이제 피드버너로 되돌아가서

이곳에서 위의 (Enter or paste a Flare Unit URL) 이곳에 아까 테스트한 http://본인계정/hanrss.xml 을 입력후 Add 버튼을 누른다

그러면 위처럼 없던 HanRss가 생긴다  체크하고 저장을 하면 다음부턴 리더기 선택에 HanRss가 나타난다  이런 방식으로 원하는 피드 아이콘을 추가하면 된다

덧, daum 의 피드 아이콘도 추가를 하고 싶었는데, daum 피드 아이콘의 코드를 살펴보면 다른 피드 등록 아이콘이랑은 다른 코드를 써서 만들어져 있더라  본인의 능력으로 도저히 xml 파일을 만들수가 없어서 추가하는데 실패 했다  혹시 코드에 관해 잘 아는 분이 있으면 daum 껄 만들어 줬으면 하는 바람이 있다

원문 : Orange Paper Zone - 피드버너(FeedBurner) 활용하기 - BrowserFriendly에 국내 피드 아이콘 추가하기
by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 17:35

Dual monitors, also known as two-monitors setup has been widely adopted in many offices as well as individual workspace. It is a common practice among the developers and designers. Some has even brought the setup further to 3 or more monitors. As prices of LCD monitors are dropping each day, more spacious desktop can be economically achieved by adding an additional monitor.

dual screen wallpapers

If you have two monitors side by side, how about making the most out of them. For starters get yourself a cool dual monitors wallpaper, something cool that stretches across two monitor screens. Here’s a showcase of more than 70+ Beautiful Dual-Monitors Desktop Wallpapers, something that really spice up your desktop.

Full list after jump.

Nature Art

Majority of the greatest dual screen wallpapers are based on nature sceneries. Here’s a list of some we really like. More nature wallpapers.

World Panoramas Scenery

Dual Clear Bliss

Panoramic Landscape Wallpapers

Crashing Waves At Sunset


Collection of cool dual screen wallpapers. Click here for more.


The Birth of the Moon

Sunset In The Grass

Wokers Life

Golfing The Day Away

Harbor Dusk

Dual Screen Rocky Mountains

New world

Bowbay 2

Strange World


Globophobia HDTV

Collection: A Dreamy World

Wonderful Day

Snowy Mountain

World Road To Imagination

Ravens Tower

Green Wheat Fields

Green Grass Slopes

Center Town

Space and Planets

Breathtaking planet and space wallpapers for the dual monitor users. More space wallpapers.


A rendered image of a planet, a moon and a sun


Image created from Hubble Space Telescope photos.

Dawn to Earth

Shepherd Nebula

Sunrise from Space

Earth From Space

The Moon


The Swordfish


Deep Blue

Mint in Turquoise V2


Dual Screen Yoko

Yin and Yang

Rose Red

Advance Tree House


All the main characters from the hit TV show Heroes


A wallpaper for the social website Digg


More firefox wallpapers.


In the following resolutions 2048×768, 2560×1024, 3360×1050

Vista Ultimate Series DUAL

All new Windows Vista ultimate Series dual monitor wallpaper pack

Creation of Man

The Creation of Man by Michelangelo

Diablo 3

More Dual Screen Wallpapers

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 17:35

Creating a cool Flash image gallery can definitely enhance user experience when images exploration is merged with interactive navigation. Normally what we need is an Adobe Flash component or script template which is customizable. Flashloaded is the pioneer to make an image presentation easier and more importantly, impressive by providing flash componnents with powerful effects that can be generated on the fly.

Flashloaded 3D Spiral

In short, 3D Spiral is a product of Flashloaded that displays images on an interactive 3D rotating spiral using the Papervision3D engine. 3D Spiral is 100% controllable as viewer can scroll, moving around and zoom the spiral Flash gallery freely. As a designer, you can customize the opening and closing animation style or even its built-in preloader.

Here’s some key features you shouldn’t miss out:

  • Customizable height, width and spacing
  • XML or ActionScript
  • Customizable animation settings
  • Depth of field
  • Built-in skinnable scrollbar and preloader
  • Double sided thumbnails
  • Swivel camera
  • Mouse and keyboard interactivity
  • Mouse and scroll events
  • Thumbnail borders

Your images can be organized in 3 options below with 3D Spiral. Click to experience the cool Flash navigation.

  2. TALL SPIRAL WITH FREE MOUSE MOVEMENT (up/down/left/right)

We bet such a Flash component is able to showcase your photos or portfolio impressively or attract some attentions from public. Previously we’ve given out 2 copies of Flashloaded’s 3D Wall. Today, we’re giving out 3 copies of 3D Spiral free for readers (each copy cost $49.95).

How To Win?

To win a piece of the Flash component, simply post a comment and we’ll pick 3 winners. Comment entries will be accepted until 3rd November 2008.

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 17:32

Formerly codenamed Blackcomb, then Vienna, Windows 7 is the next anticipated operating system by Microsoft after Vista. Everytime when an operating system is launch, one thing aside from the functionality that excite us are the wallpapers.

To celebrate the arriving of this new operating system fan boys and enthusiasts created related wallpapers and shared them all over the Internet. Here’s a collection of some of the Finest Windows 7 Wallpapers (yet).

Unofficial Windows 7 Wallpaper Pack by maoractive

Windows 7 wallpaper by 24charlie

Windows Seven by Youness-toulouse

Windows Se7en Pack 1 by Frnak

1280×1024, 1024×768, 800×600, as well as widescreen 1680×1050 and 1920×1200.



Windows 7 Imagination by Gigacore

Windows 7 Imagination wallpaper is created using other two wallpapers, vista trends and windows home server wallpaper.

Windows 7 Energize by WindowsNET

Windows 7 by rehsup

Windows 7 by deviantarnab

Windows SEVEN by havocki

Windows Se7en Midnight by yanomami

Windows 7 Wallpaper by ~QuantumEcho

This is a standard (4:3) wallpaper. For a widescreen resolution (16:9), look here.

Dark Windows Seven Wallpapers

Last but not least, an Windows Seven experimental wallpapers by us. Available in the following resolutions, 1024×768, 1280×800 and 1600×1200, or download the package in .zip.

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 17:20

Image editing encompasses the processes of altering images. We use raster graphics editor as primary tool to edit a digital image in terms of manipulating, enhancing, transforming, applying effects and filters, and file formats converting.

free photoshop alternatives

Due to the popularity of digital cameras, image editing programs are readily available. At this moment, we believe Adobe Photoshop is still the most powerful program on market which perform a large variety of advanced image manipulations. However, not everyone will afford to get a copy for popular raster-based digital image editors like Adobe Photoshop if all one need to do is just basic image editing.

While you’re at it..

We’ve previously published 11 Free Adobe Photoshop Alternatives, and we encourage that you check it out too. And with no duplication between this, we got you 25 (in total) Photoshop alternatives here in

Full list after jump.

  1. Photobie

    Photobie is image editing software that combines features amateurs can use with advanced tools professionals will appreciate. Photobie is free for personal use with no Pro upgrade to pay for — all features are free.


  2. Photo! Editor

    Photo! Editor is powerful multifunctional software offering a complete set of image editing tools. It contains anything a digital camera owner might need to correct or enhance their photos. You will enjoy the ultimate convenience and professional approach provided by each of the tools. With Photo! Editor, you can remove red eye instantly, enhance the color of the image, make funny caricatures, add astonishing lighting effects, straighten, resample and crop images. The Denoise tool is one of the world’s best to effectively remove luminance and color noise from digital images made under poor lighting conditions. You will also appreciate the Make Up tool that offers a complete set of retouching filters to make the best of your portrait photos.


  3. Phantasmagoria

    Phantasmagoria is a fun, light-weight image editing application. The main focus is to apply effects to images, along with the basic editing that might be required after a sub-par shoot. In other words, what most of us actually need.


  4. Image Analyzer

    Image Analyzer is an advanced image editing, enhancement and analysis software. The program contains both most image enhancement features found in conventional image editors plus a number of advanced features not even available in professional photo suites.


  5. Artweaver

    Artweaver is a Windows Freeware program to simulate natural brush tools. It is therefore suitable to leave your creativity free run. Artweaver offers you a clear program window, which can be used without training immediately.


  6. Active Pixels

    Active Pixels resembles Photoshop in many aspects, from the way menus and windows are laid out on its interface to the keyboard shortcuts used for many actions. It also includes similar tools, like the magic wand, the gradient, the polygonal lasso and others. What’s more, it supports working with layers. Active Pixels also includes some extra embedded apps, such as a red-eye fixer, a picture browser and a screen capture tool - although it only grabs full-screen images.


  7. Photoscape

    Photoscape is the fun and easy photo editing software that enables you to fix and enhance photos. Photoscape has a very powerful editor for you to perform resizing, brightness and color adjustment, white balance, backlight correction, frames, balloons, mosaic mode, adding text, drawing pictures, cropping, filters, red eye removal and blooming.


  8. VCW VicMan’s Photo Editor

    VCW VicMan’s Photo Editor is a versatile image editor with an intuitive interface and a wide variety of features. This powerful application is user friendly, offering simple image editing, high productivity and easy customization.


  9. PaintStar

    PaintStar is a versatile digital image processing software suitable for such tasks as retouching of photographs, composing and authoring images, image morphing, screen capture, and displaying image thumbnail in Windows Explorer context menu. It supports alpha, layer, path ,and the most common editing techniques.


  10. Helicon Filter

    Helicon Filter is a complete image editing solution for the digital photographer. Its easy and intuitive interface, live preview feature, and in context help ensure an easy start for beginners. The program is built as step by step workflow guiding you through all post processing stages.


  11. Evan’s Image Editor

    Evan’s Image Editor (EIE) is a free image editor that allows for editing and creation of animated or still images. It contains several GPU-powered image modifiers that take advantage of modern graphics hardware, giving you an instant preview of the effect while you adjust parameters.


  12. Free Image Editor

    Free Image Editor is a bitmap image-editing application that lets you retouch existing photos or create original graphics. Free Image Editor provides a rich graphics toolset for digital photography, print production and Web design.


  13. Photo Pos Lite

    Photo Pos Lite is a free lite version of the award-wining photo editor Photo Pos Pro. Using the Lite version you can edit, enhance and manipulate your pictures easily. You can edit and optimize your pictures, print it, resize it, convert it to another format and much more. The editor also includes some great drawing and painting tools for creating computer graphics. Support of scanners and digital cameras, Various of Image Enhancing and editing tools and functions, Paint Brush Tool, Shapes Tool, Clone Brush Tool, Rich Text Tools, Special Effects, Selection Tools, Simple Gradients and more.


  14. MAGIX Xtreme Photo Designer

    In MAGIX Xtreme Graphic Designer your photos will be edited quickly and precisely. Its comprehensive set of features gives your less successful shots a helping hand and assists in transforming your photo ideas into reality. An intelligent Task Wizard explains simple and complex editing steps, resulting in successful image editing, fast!


by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 17:20


Greate news for those who uses Adobe Flash. We are giving out a copy of FlashEff Premium (worth $149) for free, countersy of Jumpeye Components. If you use Adobe Flash to create text and graphic animations, this could be your ultimate guide to create great animations.

What’s FlashEff?

FlashEff is an Adobe Flash component that makes creating cool animation for text and graphics easy. FlashEff currently has about 140 patterns you can use and it’s growing because there’s an Effect Gallery, user contribution model. Premium account enjoys unlimited access to Effect Gallery and yes, what we are giving is a premium account.


FlashEff Sample

Here’s a simple Flash animation I’ve created with FlashEff; 15 minutes of understanding the components and 3 minutes to create. It’s just simple.

Now whether you are a skillful designer or you are a beginner in Flash, you could be pretty much level now with FlashEff handling all the complex algorithm in creating animations. We guess it’s the creativity that counts now.

How to Win?

To win this copy of FlashEff Premium (worth $149), drop us a comment stating how FlashEff can be useful to you. We’ll send one copy to the best commentator. Entry close next Friday, 21th November.

Update:We’ve got a winner

First thank you all for the participation, I hate the fact that I’ve only got one to give away. Personally I think FlashEff is a great tool. So after a random pick, the FlashEff Premium goes to Jayhan. I’ll be in touch with you shortly.

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 17:19

Screen capture, or print screen is perhaps the most efficient way to share whatever appears on your desktop. They help tech users like us to share and communicate better with friends and peers. Major operating systems today comes with basic screen capture and print screen function, but if these can’t fulfill what you need from a screen capture then you are probably looking for a screen capturing tool.

Screen capturing tools do what the basic tool don’t. What these tools could do varies, including the ability to include sketches and text, instantly upload image online, audio capturing, dimension-specific capturing and more. Make your screen capture and sharing experience more interesting, here’s a showcase of 40+ Free Screen Capturing Tools and Related Techniques. Full list after jump.

Cross Platform

We love cross platform tools. No more worries when you are all too familiar with one tool and needs to get the job done on a different operating system.

  • Jing Project

    A project of Techsmith, Jing has the ability to do instance image and video capturing. Aside from that, you can also do sketches on the image and share them online. Speaking from functionality point of view, being free tool is definetely a steal. [Download: Windows, Mac]

  • Evernote

    Saying Evernote has cross platform supporting ability seems to be slightly inaccurate, instead it’s multi-platform. This awesome tool not only runs on Windows and Mac, it also supports iPhone, Windows Mobile and even websites. You’ve got to check out the video to see how great it is. [Download: Windows, Mac, more]

  • WebKut

    Capture web pages in whole or parts. And because it’s developed with Adobe AIR, you bet it’s cross-platform. It captures web screenshots, the only problem is - it’s not attached to the browser. [Download]

  • Websnapshot

    Yet another Adobe AIR application to take website snap shots. [Downloads]

Windows Only

By default, you can only do a full page and active window print screen on Windows. The following tools give you much more flexibility.

  • ZScreen

    Open-source screen capture program that allows for region/window/full-screen screenshots. It can FTP screenshots and put the URL in your clipboard in a single keystroke. It supports automatic custom naming conventions with variables. [Download]

  • Screenshot Captor

    Behave like most screen capture software. The most interesting part is - you can run it from a USB thumbdrive. Talking about print screen portability. [Download]

  • Cropper

    Cropper is a screen capture utility written in C# on the Microsoft .Net platform. [Download]

  • Capture

    Capture is a quick-and-easy screen capture utility for Windows (and NT), which allows you to capture the entire screen, at any color depth and resolution, and save it into a Bitmap file for editing. [Download]

  • MWSnap

    Small yet powerful Windows program for snapping (capturing) images from selected parts of the screen. [Download]

  • ScreenPrint32

    Free windows tool to print and/or capture to disk or clipboard, the full desktop, active window, predefined area, or user selected area of the screen. [Download]

  • Snippy

    Useful free tool to copy webpage screenshot for sharing purposes. Interesting thing is that, when you cutting out a portion of an Internet Explorer window, the URL will also be copied to the clipboard; this makes it very convenient to select something interesting on a Web site and send it out in an email message. [Download]

  • SWBCapture

    Screen capture utility that allows you to quickly and easily capture an image of any window on your desktop, or the entire desktop. [Download]

  • Screen Grab Pro

    Screen Grab Pro features one-click grab of any screen for ease of use, Timer operation, Current window selection list and more. [Download]

  • Wisdom-Soft ScreenHunter

    Wisdom-Soft ScreenHunter is a free screen-capture tool for you to easily take screenshots. ScreenHunter can capture a full screen, an active window, the client window, or a rectangular area. [Download]

  • Gadwin PrintScreen

    Capture screenshots with ease. [Download]

  • FastStone Capture

    Light and powerful screen capture application with whole screen, object-selective and region screencapture ability. Save files in various formats, BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF and PDF. [Download]

Mac Only

Here are some of the most commonly used screen capturing tools for the Mac enthusiast.

  • Capture Me

    Flexible screen capture and recording utility for Mac OS X which features a floating capture window, several saving options, and resize ability. [Download]

  • Backdrop

    Simple utility to fill your screen with a giant blank window. Fill the window with a solid color or a custom image, your choice so you can take clean nice printscreen. [Download]

  • Skitch

    Skitch is not solely a screen capture tool. It allows you to capture screen shots of any application, chat moments and the ability to sketch on the screen shots. You can then upload it to share with friends. A printscreen tool injected with some fun. [Download]

  • InstantShot!

    InstantShot! offers classical screenshot functionality for capturing the whole screen, a portion of it or a window and also the option to make timed screenshots or to make delayed captures over time. It offers a wide range of preferences and options to fit everyone’s needs. [Download]

  • Paparazzi!

    Written in Objective-C and the WebKit framework, this small utility is suitable for those who wants to do simple screen shots in their Mac. [Download]

  • Screenshot Helper

    Screenshot Helper shows a full screen window with a solid color or a desktop picture so that you can take clean screenshots without having irrelevant windows and desktop icons in the background. [Download]

  • SnapNDrag

    SnapNDrag lets you take a screenshot by just clicking a button and dragging the resulting screenshot off, perhaps one of the simplest and easiet to use Mac printscreen tool we’ve seen. [Download]

  • About Timed Screenshot 1.1

    A light screen capturing tool that runs in background until you kill the process (in Terminal) or logout. [Download]

  • Copernicus

    Mac application for speed screenshot taking and video capturing (no audio). It’s also a virtual photo gallery. [Download]


Screen capturing tools for Linux users.

  • XscreenCapture

    XscreenCapture allows you to capture an X11 dump from any Linux client with X11 port open. It will also convert and save automatically the result picture in the desidered compress format (default PNG). [Download]

  • Xvidcap

    Screen capture enabling you to capture videos off your X-Window desktop for illustration or documentation purposes. [Download]

Web Tools

These web tools go beyond screen capturing of your desktop. It allows you to print screen any website, all the way from header to footer.

  • Browsershot

    Free web service that shows you how your website looks like in different browser of different version. A must tool for web developers on a browser compatibility check.


    Similar to Browsershots, this free web services is for those who understand Japanese.

  • Super Screenshot

    Simple web service for those who wants quick print screens. No compatibility check of different browser or versions available.

  • Clip2Net

    Clip2Net allows you to capture, sketch and share screencaptures online instantly. Good tool to communicate ideas with peers. [Download]

  • Websnapr

    As the name suggest, it snaps thumbnail screenshot of any webites. All you need to do is enter the URL and hit capture. Comes with plugins you to facilitate blogging and web publishing.

  • Thumbalizr

    Yet another online web thumbnail generator. Comes with API.

  • Browsrcamp

    Test the compatibility of your design with Mac OS X browsers. Free web screenshot tool build on Mac OSX Leopard.

Firefox Plugins

Screen capturing plugin for Firefox browser. They prints the lower fold screens you don’t see.

  • Screengrab!

    Firefox plugin with the ability to printscreen entire upper-fold and lower-fold of any browsing websites. Instead of saving the screenshot to a file, you can copy it to clipboard. [Install]

  • FireShot

    Firefox extension that creates screenshots of web pages. Comes with sets of editing and annotation tools, which let users quickly modify web captures and insert text annotations and graphical annotations. Somehow it’s nota available for Firefox on Mac OSX [Install]

Further Readings

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 17:17

excellent blog footer design

Written by: Sakib

Fundamentally any weblog would be made up of header, sidebar, content section and footer. In the eye of a visitor, the footer is perhaps one of the most unnoticeable section but to a designer who knows how important user experience, navigation and designs, they are treated the same. That said, footer will not be anything less important compared to the header (or masthead)

Footer contents varies from developer/author’s short bio, recent articles, Flickr photos, quick links and so on, but it’s interesting to find out how designers prioritize their footer. Not only it will inspires us, it somehow help us understand what we really need in our footer section.

Here’s a compilation of 50 Excellent Blog Footer Designs collected everywhere from the blogosphere. If your footer is nice, let us know, we’d like to have it in our sequel entry. In the mean time, full list after jump.

  1. Seraph Design

  2. Jepson

  3. Web Designer Wall

  4. Gomediazine

  5. Spoongraphics

  6. Dreamling

  7. Productivedreams

  8. Blogmetender

  9. Bcandullo

  10. Sohtanaka

  11. Mac Tricks And Tips

  12. 43folders


  14. Kailoon

  15. Vocino


  17. Noupe

  18. Psdtuts

  19. Samrayner

  20. I Love Mac Apps

  21. Mr.

  22. Davidairey

  23. Css-Tricks

  24. Wireroses

  25. Ordered


  27. Iemai



  30. Design Works Garage

  31. Biola Undergrad

  32. Peterrabbit



  35. Albertlo

  36. Bristol Archive Records

  37. New

  38. Mackeydesigns

  39. Elansnowboards

  40. Fortysevenmedia

  41. Davidhellmann

  42. Branded07

  43. Adaptd

  44. SeedHunter

  45. Carsonified

  46. Ritchielinao

  47. Sawyerhollenshead

  48. Amuki

  49. Johncow


by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 17:17

Whether you are working on a Mac, a PC, or even both, the way your workstation is setup tells more or less about your attitude and style of working. The workstation could also be your source of inspiration, therefore you might want to put in more thoughts on the place that you’ll spend most of your time at.

We crawled through the net, checking out at how people setup their workstations, focusing how what machines they use, how they are positioned, the decorations, and how other peripherals come in order. Some might think setting up a cool workstation is nothing much but an ‘ego-thing‘ but we’ll like to add a point - lots of great ideas and inspiration came from great working environment, particularly the workstation.

Now if you agree, or maybe just curious to see how other people’s workstations look like, here a compilation of 50 Greatest Computer Workstation Setups. Full list after jump.

The Lab
by Grafix Guru

Home office of Stefan Didak
by Stefen Didak

The Emotion Studio
by timsamoff

Apple Wing
by jensen

Spring in Cincinnati
by ekalb

Silly Mac setup
by michaelbystrom

Mac setup
by chris chart

Mac mini PVR
via tuaw

Mac On a Wall
by mkwhitley

Ultimate Mac setup
by visualseed

New Workstation
by ishmell

Chris Workplace
by Chris Marshall

My Workspace
by tuartboy

Mac Setup
by Cold Eskimo

My desk
by kihlbom

Multi Monitor Mahem
by totalAldo

Macbook Desk Setup
by js1stuff

White Mac Setup
by Stephen Embleton

Leopard Fever
by Crouching Donkey

Mac Pro Setup
by jaronbrass

Mac Mini Setup
by fontanafunk

Workstation setup
by Bimmerchop

iMac Home Office Setup
by nycGRAEME

Google Headquarters on six displays
by twid

Workstation setup
by Dion Tavenier

New IKEA Spotlights
by Matt Brett

Clean Mac Setup

My Home Office
by dziner

My Desktop
by QuattroVageena

Mike’s Workstation
by mike

My ridiculous Mac Pro setup
by Mike Fullerton

My Mac Setup in Shanghai
by Ken Lee

Apple Cinema Display Setup
by veryMickey

Mac Setups
by weistudio

My Messy Workspace
by bigbold

Lights On
by MB!

More great setups

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 17:16

Having a good Error 404 page is perhaps as important as having great contents. Sometimes it may not be your fault visitors landed on error pages, but being able to communicate and direct them back to the home page is as good as a second chance to re-engage a visitor. Error 404 page helps you does that.

If you don’t have a Error 404 page on your website or blog, you should probably start thinking of creating one. We’ve previously showcased you 50 Nice And Creative Error 404 Pages, but the Internet is full of creative webmasters. Here’s another 60 Really Cool and Creative Error 404 Pages you should check out. 3 for the start, full list after jump.







24-4 Media


















Erotica Challenge

















Expansion Broadcast




Southpark Studios





Cartoon Network

Amorphia Apparel



The Brand Surgery



Mmo Game Zone

Acorn Creative



Here’s more - 50 Nice and Creative Error 404 Pages.

Do you have a good Error 404 pages? or is there any good Error 404 pages we’ve missed? Please drop us a comment, we love to know.

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 17:15

sound effects

Sound effects are used to emphasize artistic or other content of films, television shows, live performance, animation, video games, music, or other media. These trick of sound are mostly achieved by combining technology, ingenuity and creativity. Sound effects are important for digital media because an appropriate sound effect can easily resemble a real occurrence for a situation.

We understand it’s kind of fussy to record and process sound effects on one’s own. Thus, we’ve crawled into Internet and search for free sound effects which are available for download. Here’s 55 websites for free sound effects download. Full list after jump!

Note: Some of these sound effects have limited rights. That means they are not allowed for commercial usage. We urge that you check the rights before using them for business purposes.

More: You might also be interested in 25 Free Digital Audio Editors You Should Know

  1. Flash Kit

    Flash Kit has an ever growing list of shareware and freeware SoundFX for download. It provides a powerful searching, excellent organisation and easy real time previews make this the most advanced Sound FX download site on the net! mp3 and flashtrak versions of all effects as well!


  2. Audio Micro

    AudioMicro is a revolutionary collection of user-generated micro stock music, sound effects, production music, production elements and music cues. Finally, high quality audio content is available at unbelievable prices with no hidden costs or fees.


  3. Sound-Effect

    Search for, preview and download royalty free sound effects for immediate use in your multimedia project. These high quality royalty free sound effects are hand-picked from only the best sound designers.


  4. SoundSnap

    Soundsnap is the best platform to find and share free sound effects and loops- legally. It is a collection of original sounds made or recorded by its users, and not songs or sound FX found on commercial libraries or sample CD’s.


  5. FindSounds is a free site for finding sound effects and musical instrument samples on the Web. It is a Web search engine, like Google and AltaVista, but with a focus on sounds. It provides powerful features, yet is simple and easy to use, and suitable for all ages.


  6. Soungle

    Soungle is a free site, developed by Southern Codes, for finding all kind of sound FX and musical instruments samples on our mega online library. As different from most of similar sites, Soungle is NOT a Web search engine. It only searches in our growing monster database. Our goals are to keep it simple to use (search, preview and download) and to keep it free.


  7. SFX Source

    In SFX Source you’ll find cutting-edge and imaginative sound samples crafted with passionate expertise for use in all levels of production, from professional to amateur, for use in Film, TV, Games, and New Media.


  8. A1 Free Sound Effects

    A1 Free Sound Effects wants to provide the internet with our Free Sound Effects that you can download to your computer and use for church, school, home or for any non-profit project. Commercial Sounds Available.


  9. Soundrangers

    Soundrangers specializes in generating state-of-the-art royalty free sound effects and music for interactive media, such as virtual user-interfaces, games, online entertainment, web sites and communication devices.


  10. Partners In Rhyme

    Partners In Rhyme provide free resources, help and advice to amateur and professional multimedia producers, film makers, musicians and students in their search for music, sound effects and audio tools to complete their projects inexpensively and quickly.


  11. Soundboard puts all your audio clips, as well as millions from other users in one, easy to manage location. Its mission is to invite everyone to help us create a central site for audio clips in a format that anyone with a connection and a browser can enjoy.



    The Freesound Project aims to create a huge collaborative database of audio snippets, samples, recordings, bleeps, … released under the Creative Commons Sampling Plus License. The Freesound Project provides new and interesting ways of accessing these samples, allowing users to browse the sounds in new ways using keywords, a “sounds-like” type of browsing and download sounds to and from the database, under the same creative commons license.


  13. Acoustica

    Acoustica has a great database and will help you find that ever so elusive sound effect!


  14. Ljudo

    Ljudo gives free access to more than 1200 sound effects. The sounds are available in two formats: RealAudio and Mp3. Audition with RealAudioplayer or download as an MP3. Ljudo includes multilingual access, which translates the word you are searching for from your language into English.


  15. Nature Sounds

    Nature includes free online samples and as well as full-length (usually CD-length or longer!) downloads of quality nature sound mp3s. Some are mixed and edited field recordings, others are free of intervention.


  16. Pac DV

    PacDV allows you to use the sound effects on their web site free of charge in your video, film, audio and multimedia productions.


  17. Alc Ljudprod

    Alc Ljudprod have assembled their sound effects in MP3 format and they are free to download and use.


  18. Hollywood Edge

    The Hollywood Edge is the leading Hollywood Sound Effects Library. These are the Sound Efx used in the big award winning Hollywood movies. From explosions to a pin drop.


  19. Download Sound Effects

    Free Sound Effects to download will send your great specials for Sound-Effects products after you sign up their free newsletter. Also they will keep you updated with the best new SoundFX products from all over the world.


  20. SNDBRD

    A very simple page which displays all the downloadable sound effects on its main page with a well-arranged list.


  21. Brandens

    Many people make a living as Foley Artists adding sound f/x to movies and the like. Brandens has a large collection of sound f/x here in a few categories.


  22. Animal Sounds

    Over 280 animal sounds available for free download. You can even read the provided description to know better about the particular animal sound.


  23. I Love Waves

    ILovesWaves is your ultimate categorized .wav source. You can download sound effects from categories like animals, beeps and clicks, birds, cartoons, halloween, around the home, around the work place, insects, music, nature, people, vehicles and war.


  24. Simply The Best Sound

    The sound files featured in SimplytheBest Sounds were gathered from various collections on the Internet, were created by our editors or submitted by their visitors.


  25. Zero 1 Media

    Free wav sound samples from zero 1media. All sounds are in wav format. You can download sound inkickdrums, snaredrums, toms, highhats, loops, beat phrases, noises, voices, synth phrases, keyboards and synth sounds and effects.


  26. Boogie Jack

    Funny, weird, annoying…you’ll find all kinds of sound effects at Boogie Jack.


  27. AutoSpeak

    AutoSpeak Library of Sounds features the sounds of race cars, dragsters, motorcycles and other auto-related sounds.


  28. Special Operations

    Special Operations offers free military sound effects for explosion sounds, battle sounds, machine gun sounds, rifle sounds, shortgun sounds, artillery sounds and others.


  29. Little Music Club where you will find SERIOUS BIG sfx wavs that “rocks”and some other useful music links. For copyright purposes you should contact their respective owners by checking the properties section of each file where applicable.


  30. Guide to Animal Sounds on the Net

    There are many samples of animal sounds on the World Wide Web and FTP sites, but finding them takes some patience and a bit of luck. This website provides a guide that much more convenient to have an index specifically for animal sounds.


  31. Stoutman’s Sounds

    Sounds of all kinds for your listening and downloading pleasure! Stoutman’s Sounds is going to be putting up more sounds as time permits.


  32. Cool Wavs

    Cool wavs is the place where you can look for some cool, funny, sexy wavs.


  33. Free Audio Clips is loaded with tons of wav, midi and au files for your listening and downloading pleasure!
    Select a category on the right and easily find what you’re looking for. Or, use the quick "audio clip keyword search" to search through the database for that special sound clip!


  34. Event Sounds

    Event sounds lets you download wavs so you can change the sounds your computer makes such as startup sounds, mail sounds, shut down sounds, error sounds, movie sounds and tv sounds.


  35. WavCentral

    All of WavCentral’s audio files have been databased and categorized — to make searching and accessing EASY. Over 504 sound effects are available for free download.


  36. WavPlanet

    Wavplanet, the only audio page that lets users upload to its collection and has become one of the largest on the Internet with thousands of movie and TV files, hundreds of sound effects and MIDI files.


  37. Movie Sound Clips

    More sound effects categories are currently being worked on Movie Sound Clips. That includes more updates for the current categories, especially weapon sound effects, as well as new object sound effects, answering machine messages and lots more.


  38. Wav-Sounds is the family friendly wav site. The place to find some of the best free wav sound files around like Answering Machine Wav Sounds, Cartoon Wav Sounds, E-mail Wav Sounds, Funny Wav Sounds, Movie Wav Sounds, Parody Wav Sounds, Various Wav Sounds and Vehicle Wav Sounds.


  39. TalkingWav offers thousands of free wav sound files to download, including answering machine messages, cartoon, comedy, music, movie and tv wav sounds, all fully categorized with descriptions. Plus loads of free mobile cell phone ringtones and videos.


  40. Tintagel’s Free Sound File Archive

    Sound files at Tintagel are provided free of charge, without any representation or warranty whatsoever. To the best of our knowledge, all wave, midi, and audio files presented here are in the public domain and are available for use without restriction.


  41. Pachd

    Over 80 free sound effects are available for download at Pachd.


  42. Amazing Sounds

    Amazing sounds is where you will find all kinds of WAV files. Their database has more than 1.000 WAV Sounds for you to download, FREE!! Their content is made basically for multimedia developers or creators that want to use these files; so you won’t find a lot of movie, serial, or other sounds here.


  43. Wav Sound Files

    A complete archive for wav sound files download.


  44. The Recordist

    The Recordist presents a collection of free sound effects in MP3 format. These effects are from The Recordist SFX Library and the “Special Edition”. The MP3 stereo versions are high quality 44.1 192k compressed.


  45. Sound Jay

    Sound Jay allows you to use the sounds on our website free of charge and royalty free in your projects but you are NOT allowed to post the sounds on any web site for others to download, link directly to individual sound files, or sell the sounds to anyone else.


  46. FreeSFX

    The free sound effects found within the categories on the site are royalty-free and free to download and use within your audio/visual productions. You do not have to declare the useage of these sounds to any performing rights organizations.


  47. Sounds FX Page

    Sounds FX Page has a small collection of Sounds FX files saved in WAV format. Instead of creating a rather humongous plethora of sound directories, they thought you would get more use out of a fairly small selection of really good sound files.


  48. Free Sound Effects

    Free Sound Effects has converted our Stage Sounds Series so you can pick and choose your effects to create your own customized CD. The sound effects are available in a smaller MP3 format and a larger WAV file-self-extracting zip file.


  49. Water Sounds

    A mini collection of water sounds for ocean surf, rain sounds, stream, water sounds and waterfall.


  50. 3dmm Studio

    The best movies always have great sound effects, and realistic background noises. So, to help you in your quest for better sounds, 3dmm Studio has compiled and categorised several sound packs. Rubin’s ‘3dmm Sound’ packs require you to import the .3mm file into your movie, where-as the packs complied by Will Cheyney are standard zips with categorised .wav files.


  51. Media College is a free educational and resource website for all forms of electronic media. Topics include video & television production, audio work, photography, graphics, web design and more.They have hundreds of exclusive tutorials with supporting illustrations, videos, sound bytes and interactive features.


  52. Free Sound Effects Collections

    Music for video provides different categories of sound effects and music clips. You can download and use these sounds for free on your video/multimedia productions. The sounds in this part of the website are mainly dedicated to people involved in video production , video montage ,multimedia projects and etc.


  53. Wav Surfer

    Wav surfer provides free sound effects in wav files for movies, animals, musical, television and misc.


  54. A1 Prank Calls

    A1 Prank Calls - The best free sounds, April Fools’ prank items and the funniest prank call humor.


  55. Sounds & Noise

    Sounds & Noise provides free sound effects for animal sounds, human sounds, trains, planes and automobiles, weapons, horns, bells and whistles, sound of nature and household sounds.


by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 17:14

free photoshop brushes

If you’ve got an idea (or concept) but find it hard to present on your artwork because the drawings just don’t add up, try Photoshop Brushes. Brushes are designers best friend, particularly web designers who don’t illustrate graphics much.

Adobe Photoshop does comes with a basic package of brushes but it has not been updated by folks at Adobe for quite some time. Thanks to the great community of designers out there who constantly distributing and sharing their brushes, you can almost find brushes of any patterns these days. Whether you are working on a nature-related artwork looking for floral and wood graphics, or merely adding some torn, burned and cracked effects to your artwork - there’s a free brush pack out there and all you need to do is Google.

In today’s post, we attempt to present you some of the high quality and good ones, those we thought would be generally useful in many occasion and definitely worth checking out and bookmark. Here’s our hand-picked of 50 Free and High Quality Photoshop Brush Sets You Should Bookmark. Full list after jump.

Some useful Photoshop related entries we’ve previously written:

  1. Metal Brushes

    9 metal texture brush set.


  2. 2Bit-Twilight Brushes

    A set of 12 abstract pixel brushes for Photoshop. Compatible with Photoshop 8+ / Photoshop Elements 3+.


  3. 8 fantasy butterfly brushes

    8 really beautiful and fantasy butterfly brushes to spice up your painting.


  4. A3D Pieces of Tape Brushes

    Thirty-seven brushes from various torn, wrinkled, pieces of tape brushes made in Photoshop 7.0


  5. Abstract Brushset XIII

    13 awesome abstract brushes.

    abstract brushes

  6. Astral Flora

    Pack contains 8 brushes, including 2 different sized leaves, 1 astral rose, 1 astral flowerbud, 1 astral butterfly, an assortment of whispy, starspangled curves.

  7. Barbed wire brush

    Two barbed wire brushes.


  8. Brush Stroke Brushes

    Made with thick black poster colours. Just great for those pieces needing brush strokes with hard bristles.


  9. Butterflies with Flowers


  10. Zelink’s Cataclysm Brushset

    Can be used for grunge, stars abstract and smoke/forg effects. This set was based upon the stars of the heavens. This set, cataclysm, was designed to bring violent destruction upon the use of other sets. It has many uses and works very well for sigs.


  11. Cracks and cuts brushes

    This pack includes around 80 brushes, all cracks, chips and cuts.


  12. Demolished.Cracks

    Demolished.Cracks pack contains 12 brushes compatible with PS 7 and up!


  13. Fractal Brushes

    There are ten of fractal brushes in total.


  14. CS4 Brushes

    New style of CS4 brushes.


  15. Glow Part I

    There are 11 big brushes made with Photoshop 7.0


  16. Floral Frame Brushes

    Now with these wonderful brushes all you need is Photoshop and the brush tool selected, you’ll create floral frame brushes so awesome that you will love.


  17. Drop Brushes

    A set of brushes for photoshop (created in CS3) with sizes range from about 700px to 1600px.


  18. 5 Checkered PS Brushes


  19. Label Brushes

    The pack contains the the letters of the alphabet, numbers and some extras. Theres a piece of tape and some marks which could be used in white and added to the labels once they’re done to make them look authentic and cool.


  20. TI Graphic Pack 152 Ps Brushes

    152 Photoshop brushes made on Ps CS4.


  21. Metal Mesh Brush

    Metal Mesh Brush by =SocioBunneh.


  22. Hyper Brushes - PS7


  23. 10 Very Big Brushes No.30


  24. MOON BRUSHES for PS7 v.2

    45 moon brushes for ps7, ps8, ps9, ps10.


  25. 25 Tiny Text Brushes 02

    It includes 25 tiny text brushes for icons. The .zip contains an .abr file compatible with Photoshop 7.0 and up.


  26. 20 high-res-stamp brushes

    20 high-resolution stamp brushes.


  27. 122 Brushes


  28. Camera-Stuff

    8 brushes for lens, film and camera.


  29. Architectual ornaments


  30. Crack Brushes I


  31. Echolalie-stock 32

    The package contains 15 different brushes made of different wall pictures. You will find cracks, scratches and dirty brushes.


  32. Floral brushes

    8 large floral brushes, for use on headers and wallpapers.
    7 100×100 floral brushes, for use on icons.


  33. Holes, Holes, Holes

    These hole brushes are higher res so would be good for higher res projects as well.


  34. Girl Brushes


  35. Andantonius’ Pencil Brush

    With this pencil brush and sketch paper action, you can quickly and easily create natural-looking pencil sketches, without the pencil! The brush takes advantage of both pen pressure and tilt to create a very natural feel and look.


  36. Old brushes 8

    Oldies set (8 brushes) for photoshop cs-cs2


  37. Barcodes


  38. Line Brushes

    A pack of solid and dotted lines.


  39. My Sweet Diary Brushes

    The pack contains 70 cute brushes for lines, random scribbles and drawings, animals and a lot of hearts!


  40. Photography Brushes for PSP

    A set of high quality (200dpi scans) 42 photoshop brushes about photography. They are more like illustrations and blueprints of various cameras and photography related processes.


  41. Rainy


  42. Scribbles 4: Musical Notes

    20 handdrawn musical note scribble brushes.


  43. Rock Star Brushes


  44. Smoke Brushes Vol II

    There are just 3 smokes per vol. All of them are more than 1300 px.


  45. The Krako “Tags brushes”


  46. Smudge Brushes


  47. Syringe

    Several different variations and sizes of syringes.


  48. Ischarm Pen Brushes

    A set of 7 pen brushes.


  49. Spider Webs

  50. Industrial Brushes


by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 17:11

computer desktop mods

Computer desktop is a very personal thing. Each of us has a personal preference how our desktop should looked like. Modding (customizing) a desktop can be as simple as changing the desktop wallpaper, or messing with the default icons. It can also go as far as tweaking the entire navigation as well as the look and feel.

Here’s a showcase of 40 Great Computer Desktop Mods that highly represent each user’s personality together with explanations on the applications, icon sets used. Full list after jump.

Got more? You know some cool desktop mods not listed here? Let us know :-)


Air Mod Blue
VS is a mod of hsn’s GUI.Air Mod. WP is IntelMac Blue.

The Enigma Desktop
Comes with RSS reader, Gmail Notifier, Calender, Application launder and many other interesting stuff. Windows Vista desktop refreshed with Kaelri’s Enigma. Author explain it is done.

Winter Desk
Exellent Windows Vista mod using WindowsBlind’s Abcisse Vista created by amaeli.

Windows Strata
Author prefers to call this Windows Strata. The idea is that this new OS will bridge the gap between the Internet and your desktop. A completely redesigned OS tailored to fit your Internet surfing needs.

When Quicksilver meets Aero
Windows XP with a great silver theme look and feel.

VistaKernel v3 Enigma HUD. Edition
Yet another great desktop mod with Enigma 1.1

The Orange Monarch

Cool desktop with great mixture of black, blue and silver.

SS 20.11.2006

Royale Vista II desktop mod
Windows Vista modded with Royale Vista II by dobee.

October Work Desktop
The idea behind this setup is pretty brilliant. A month calendar as wallpaper with enough space to place folders, particularly to-do stuff in it.



Royal Mod Theme
Something similar to the default Windows XP theme, but a more enhanced version utilizing Royal Inspirat Mod, Object Dock and Desktop X.

My DT Main Display 2007 10
A desktop strip down to the very minimal with only text display. Result - very clean.

My Desktop March 2008 Vista
One moment there, we thought it’s a real Mac desktop. Particularly love how the CD Art display is sticked on the desktop wall.

MironV My Desktop
Nicely modded Window Vista desktop.

March desktop

Lightning Sunset
Mouse over at Flickr to see how everything is put together.

Laptop Desktop
Absolute minimal desktop.

July 28th 2008
A Windows Vista desktop with its icons blending well into the wallpaper.

Interior desktop
Computer desktop modded by an interior designer with icons and every elements perfectly blended in each and every corner of the wallpaper.


XP Goes Back to School
Windows user Nabeel Ahmed has tricked out his desktop for back to school, by embedding his class schedule and todo.txt file with Samurize and customizing his icons and theme.

Windows Desktop in Monochrome
Windows user skarhead187 demonstrates that you don’t even need color to pull together an incredible custom desktop.

Vista Transblack Head Up Display
Windows user j33f darkens Vista and subtly embeds system monitoring details, RSS feeds, and currently playing music information into the desktop.

BumpTop Beta in Action
BumpTop desktop interface that turns your desktop into a 3D space and lets you move, pile, fan, and lasso your documents the way you would on a physical desktop.


Taking advantage of Circle dock, jayers0424’s desktop with the earth rotates with accurate day and night cycles.

Desktop SS

Great setup that makes it hard to tell what OS it’s running.


Screeny end of may
A very nicely customized desktop, especially the dock icons.

May 2008 Desktop

NewYork HUD
Yet another desktop modded with HUD.Vision

Ironman on my Desktop
Ironman fan Mac desktop.

I see you, Tu

HUD Desktop
More HUD customization.

Cute little desktop setup with icons nicely blended to the wallpaper.

Mac Meets Windows
Dylan Boom runs Windows within a Mac, with both beautifully styled.

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 17:11

Christmas is getting close. Whether you are still in the midst of the last minute Christmas newsletter design, or just want to spice up the desktop a little bit, chances are there’s always something for everyone. We are talking about the free Christmas related icons, vectors, fonts, wallpapers, tutorials, themes, etc created designers and shared all over the net. They are probably our early Santas.

Here’s our final Christmas related entry (except the contest tomorrow) - a mash-up of the Best Design Resources for Christmas around. If there’s any we’ve missed, let us know in comment, we’ll add it in. Merry Christmas in advance.

1. Icons

PSDTOP: 25+ Beautiful Chrisstmas Icon Set

PSDTOP would like to present especially for you 25+ Beautiful Christmas Icon Sets which you can use for your web site or your desktop.


Web Design Ledger: 23 Awesome Christmas Icon Sets

Web Design Ledger presents you 23 Awesome Christmas Icon Sets to put you in the Christmas spirit.


aComment: 13 Elegant Free Christmas Icon set in PNG/Gif

aComment showcased some elegant and high quality Christmas icons which lets you use them in your websites easily.


Design Bliss: 10 Sets of Beautiful Free Christmas Icons from deviantART

Design Bliss has hand-picked 10 sets of beautiful Christmas icons from deviantART and they’re all FREE!


Smashing Magazine: Smashing Christmas Icon Sets

Photoshop Roadmap: Nice List of Christmas Tutorials, Brushes, Clipart and Icons

Photoshop Roadmap built this list gathering some new (and old) Christmas related tutorials, brushes, cliparts and icons for personal use..


Vu Nguyen: 20 Beautiful Christmas Icons

Vu Nguyes prepares 10 beautiful Christmas icons for you to decorate your web according to the Christmas spirit.


Smashing Magazine: Christmas Icons and Christmas Wordpress Themes

Smashing magazine has selected high quality Christmas icons, and Christmas Wordpress themes to let you get into the true Christmas spirit, decorating your personal desktop and adding some Christmas flavour to your recent designs or weblogs.


2. Wallpapers

PixelResort: Xmas Holiday Wallpapers

You will find a few goodies of Xmas holiday wallpapers to decorate your desktop.


Smashing Magazine: Christmas Wallpapers

Some Xmas specials - for your desktop or current web-project.


Hongkiat: Beautiful Christmas Wallpapers For Your Desktop

HongKiat showcased some really Beautiful Christmas Wallpapers for you to decorate the desktop while counting down to Christmas.


Hongkiat: 30 Remarkable Christmas Wallpapers, Part II

Here’s another 30 Remarkable Christmas Wallpapers collected at our home.


A New Morning: Best Christmas Wallpapers 2008 Download

Some really nice Christmas wallpapers posted by A New Morning.


Crestock: 16 Stunning High Resolution Christmas Wallpapers

Take this opportunity to put your desktop in that festive mood with wallpapers courtesy of some of Crestock’s finest contributing photographers and designers.


3. WordPress Themes

Developer Fox: 15 Interesting Christmas Free Wordpress Themes

Developer Fox thinks you might be interested in dressing up your blog with a new Christmas free wordpress themes.


SheepTech: 30 Christmas WordPress Themes

SheepTech has compiled 30 Christmas WordPress themes if you are a WordPress user and wants some holiday feel on your WordPress blog.


Pulse2: 42 Free Breathtaking Winter Wordpress Themes

Here is a list of 42 of the best Wordpress winter themes to get your blog ready for the winter.


4. Photoshop Brushes

1stWebDesigner: 48 Snow, Ice, Snowflake and Christmas Brushes

There are pine, ice, snowflake, snow and many different Christmas related brushes for every taste in this list.


Web Resouces Depot: Christmas Design Toolkit: Photoshop Brushes, Vector Images And Tutorials

This is a giant design pack which includes Photoshop Christmas brushes, Free Christmas vectors, and Christmas-related Photoshop & Illustrator tutorials.


Observin: 23 Wonderful Winter Photoshop Tutorials & Brushes

Observin has gathered these winter photoshop tutorials and brushes are the perfect way to spruce up your designs and get you in the holiday mood.


Design Bliss: 5 Sets of Free Christmas Photoshop Brushes (2008)

Here are some free Christmas Photoshop brushes Design Bliss found over the past year.


Toxel: 20 Free Christmas Photoshop Brush Sets

A collection of free Christmas Photoshop brush sets that you can use to design something special during the holidays.


Photoshop Roadmap: 25 Nice Christmas Photoshop Tutorials and Brushes

Photoshop Roadmap has compiled another nice selection of Christmas Photoshop tutorials and brushes. All the brushes featured on this article are free to use on personal, non-commercial, projects.


Gosublogger: 16 Photoshop Brush Set For Christmas

This sets include xmas tree brushes , xmas ornaments brushes, xmas decoration brushes and other sets.


5. Photoshop Tutorials

Toxel: 24 Free Christmas Photoshop Tutorials

To help you prepare for this year’s Christmas celebration, Toxel presents this collection of free Christmas-themed Adobe Photoshop tutorials.


StayUpdate: 31 Free Christmas Photoshop tutorials

StayUpdate has gathered free Christmas Photoshop tutorial for designers to be able to have the best design skills for Christmas.


My Ink Blog: 10 Fantastic Christmas Inspired Tutorials

My Ink Blog helps get everyone in the Christmas spirit by sharing some awesome Christmas related tutorials.


Smashing Magazine: 60 Beautiful Christmas Photoshop Tutorials

You’ll learn how to design Christmas trees, snow globes, snowflakes, Christmas candles, Christmas balls and much more.

6. Fonts

Dafonts: Free Christmas Fonts

Dafonts provides over 70 free Christmas for download without paying a single penny.


Woork: 10 Free Christmas fonts

Take a look at this list with some of Woork’s favourite Christmas fonts which you can download and use on your design projects.


Font River: 20 Superb Christmas Fonts and Dingbats

Font River gathered a wide variety of funny fonts and dingbats to pep up your designs. Make your own matching Christmas cards, invitations, favors bags, place cards, napkin rings, and much more!


Simple Thoughts: 20 Attractive Free Fonts for you This Christmas

Simple Thoughts prepared 20 fonts for you this Christmas which are absolutely free.


7. Misc

PSDTOP: 45+ Beautiful Christmas Cards

You’ll find in PSDTOP’s post 45+ Beautiful Christmas Cards which you can use for inspiration.


PSDTOP: 36 Beautiful Drawing Artworks - Winter Inspiration

PSDTOP brings you 36 Beautiful Drawing Artworks - Winter Inspiration hand-picked from deviantart.


PSDTOP: 70 Impressive Painting Artworks - Winter Inspiration

PSDTOP has hand-picked an incredible amount of amazing painting artworks from deviantart to inspire any artist.


Life Rock 2.0: Window XP Themes: Top 7 Christmas Themes

Life Rock 2.0 has compiled a list of top Christmas themes with Wallpapers for Windows XP and Vista to decorate your desktop.


CrazyLeaf Design: Free Christmas Vectors

CrazyLeaf Design thought some free Christmas vectorial resources will be welcomed for the coming holidays.


PSDFan: 20 Superb Christmas Designs

PSDFan has rounded up 20 of my favorite christmas themed designs. Hopefully these will help inspire you in your own works:


Pixel Perfect Digital: Free Christmas Stock Photos

Over 50 high resolutions photos which related to Christmas available for free download.


Garcya: 2000+ Christmas Goodies - PNG, Vectors, Icons, Wallpapers, Cliparts and PSD files

Garcya has prepared a mega list of free Christmas goodies just for you to have a stack of Christmas resources .


Lifehacker: Holiday-Themed Desktop Roundup

Lifehacker highlighting the holiday-inspired goods of readers have created.

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 17:10

A friend once asked "why do you still surf for web templates when you can create one?". I answered, for fun. But then again I start to ponder and realiazed even if we are capable to create, there are still many great reasons to check out free templates out there.

Thanks to many of the generous souls, most of these web templates found online are no longer the same. A lot of them are high quality, XHTML compliant, cross-browser compatible and comes with Photoshop .PSD files. As a developer cum designer myself, I wouldn’t say you should get a nice free template and implement directly, but rather, check out the structure, design and codes. Labeling, naming, styling and structuring are what interest me more, and I’m pretty sure there’s more if dug deeper.

Without further ado, here’s (another) 38 Free Elegant XHTML/CSS Website Templates, and I’ve previously showcased 60 High Quality Free Web Templates, that makes it close to 100 piece of nice templates in the archive. Full list after jump.

  1. Book Store
    2-column template with clean wooden book shelf as header
    Demo | Download

  2. Symisun 01
    Demo | Download

  3. Strockes
    Strockes comes in package of .PSD, HTML, CSS and fonts. Registration is required.

  4. Home
    Demo | Download

  5. Warped
    Demo | Download

  6. Aqueous
    Liquid 3-column layout. Also available in 2-column.
    Demo | Download

  7. Typography Paramount
    Demo | Download

  8. Real Estate
    Complete solution for a real estate company. Includes also admin templates.
    Demo | Download

  9. Purple
    Demo | Download

  10. Package
    Registration is required.

  11. Redfire 2
    Nice black and red template
    Demo | Download

  12. Mint Idea
    Demo | Download

  13. The Spring
    Same style with more different colors - 1, 2, and 3.
    Demo | Download

  14. Nature Theme
    Demo | Download

  15. Musical Instrument
    Demo | Download

  16. Extreme Updates
    Demo | Download

  17. Trial Impact
    Demo | Download

  18. Corporate Profiles
    Demo | Download

  19. Blue
    Demo | Download

  20. Impress
    Demo | Download

  21. Darkside
    Demo | Download

  22. Deep Blue
    Demo | Download

  23. EC Mania
    Registration is required.

  24. Dally Studio
    Demo | Download

  25. Ideea Hosting
    Demo | Download

  26. Prom Night
    Demo | Download

  27. My Personal Page
    Demo | Download

  28. Medical Clinic
    Demo | Download

  29. Free Software
    Demo | Download

  30. The Radio Station
    Demo | Download

  31. Mirax Development
    Demo | Download

  32. Photographer Folio
    Demo | Download

  33. Cleo Studio
    Demo | Download

  34. Happy Template
    Demo | Download

  35. Internet Encyclopedia
    Demo | Download

  36. Gentle Wiki
    Demo | Download

  37. GrungeEra 1.0
    A fixed width, single column website template designed for small sites and personal blogs. It features a stylish grungy theme design and uses a warm colour scheme.
    Demo | Download

  38. News Flash
    Demo | Download

More: 60 High Quality Free Web Templates

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 27. 17:09

모바일 업계에서 약 8년간 디자이너 및 제품 관리자로 일한 경험이 있는 필자는 모바일 및 소비자 전자 디바이스에 대한 저작이 오늘날 디자이너와 개발자에게 최고의 흥미와 좌절을 동시에 경험하게 하는 일 중 하나라고 말할 수 있습니다.

필 자는 본 기술문서에서 모바일 및 디바이스 저작의 미래와 문제점에 대해 검토하고, 디자이너와 개발자를 도와 이러한 문제를 최소화하고 그들이 참신한 모바일 저작 업무에 전념할 수 있도록 지원하기 위해 Adobe에서 개발한 새로운 솔루션인 Adobe Device Central CS3에 대해 소개하고자 합니다.

휴대폰 및 소비자 전자 디바이스의 미래

오늘날 모바일 및 소비자 전자 디바이스의 저작 업무는 실로 디자이너와 개발자에게 가장 새롭고 흥미로운 기회 중 하나입니다. 휴대폰 및 소비자 전자 디바이스(이후 간단히 모바일 또는 디바이스라고 함)는 소비자와 기업 근로자 모두에게 새로운 유형의 최종 사용자 경험을 제공하기 위한 가장 규모가 크고 전망 있는 분야일 것입니다. 그 이유는 여러 가지입니다.

어디에나 존재하는 디바이스

현 재 우리는 휴대폰, 미디어 플레이어, 차량 내비게이션 시스템, 키오스크, 카메라 등 디지털 화면이 있는 디바이스 세상에 살고 있다고 해도 과언이 아닙니다. 예를 들어 전세계 휴대폰 사용자가 20억 이상인 오늘날, 모바일 디바이스는 오히려 PC보다도 우리가 일상 생활에서 정보 및 애플리케이션과 인터랙션하는 주된 방법이 되고 있습니다.


모 바일 디바이스는 놀라울 정도로 PC보다도 훨씬 더 개인화되었습니다. 휴대폰과 미디어 플레이어는 신분의 상징까지는 아니더라도 패션 액세서리가 되었습니다. 신호음, 배경 무늬, 화면 보호기, UI 테마, 모바일 데이터 서비스 등은 디바이스 "옷장"에 갖춰야 할 필수 요소입니다. 이러한 추세는 디자이너와 개발자에게 새롭고 신선한 스타일을 자주 만들어 팔 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.

모든 사람에 꼭 필요한 것

모 든 분야의 크리에이티브 전문가는 각자의 기술을 모바일에 적용할 수 있습니다. 작곡가와 오디오 아티스트는 신호음, 사운드트랙 및 음향 효과를 적용할 수 있습니다. 비디오 아티스트는 가장 뜨겁게 주목 받는 디바이스 컨텐츠 유형인 모바일 비디오 작업을 할 수 있습니다. 비트맵 아티스트는 배경 무늬와 UI 테마 같은 시각적 이미지 및 최종 사용자 컨텐츠 디자인 작업을 계속 진행할 수 있습니다. 웹 디자이너는 기존의 웹 사이트를 디바이스용으로 확장할 수 있습니다. 그리고 Flash 전문가는 마술과 같은 매력적인 컨텐츠를 작은 화면으로 옮겨 큰 성공을 거둘 수 있습니다.

차별화 기회

디 바이스가 널리 확산되었어도 사용자 경험 측면에서 개선의 여지가 굉장히 많습니다. 찾기 힘들고 사용하기 어렵고 느리고 구식인 데이터 서비스에 누가 돈을 내려고 하겠습니까? 여기에 바로 아티스트, 디자이너, 개발자, 모든 규모의 회사가 우리 모두가 열광하는 어떤 것에 도달할 수 있는 엄청난 기회가 있는 것입니다.

모바일 및 디바이스의 문제점

모 바일 디바이스 미디어 및 애플리케이션의 잠재력은 무궁무진하며, 이는 디자이너와 개발자에게 매력적인 새로운 분야입니다. 그러나 그렇게 낙천적인 면만 있는 것은 아닙니다. 수많은 모바일 디바이스 종류에 맞는 컨텐츠를 디자인하다 보면 좌절감을 느낄 수도 있습니다. 이로 인해 회사에서 모바일 디바이스 프로젝트를 시도하기도 전에 일이 중단되기도 합니다. 몇 가지 문제점을 나열하면 다음과 같습니다.

상대적으로 제한적인 기능

데 스크탑 컴퓨터나 웹에 비해 모바일 디바이스는 처리 능력, 메모리, 화면 크기, 입력 기능, 네트워크 대역폭 등에 훨씬 제한이 많습니다. 이렇게 "더 적은" 조건의 디바이스에 맞게 훌륭한 컨텐츠와 애플리케이션을 만들려면 효율성에 큰 비중을 두면서 신중하게, 충분히 계획을 세워 디자인하고 개발해야 합니다.

디바이스 세분화 및 확산

가 장 큰 문제점 중 하나는 변화무쌍한 디바이스 속성에서 비롯됩니다. 화면 해상도, CPU, 메모리, 입력 메커니즘, 운영 체제, 제조업체 또는 이동 통신사별 애플리케이션과 서비스 등은 각 디바이스가 서로 크게 다를 수 있음을 보여주는 몇 가지 예에 불과합니다.

또한 저작해야 할 새로운 디바이스 및 퍼블리시 대상이 끝도 없이 쏟아져 나오고 있습니다. Adobe 연구에 의하면 모바일을 대상으로 하는 전문 미디어 회사들은 시장에 출시되는 모든 휴대폰을 구입하여 분석하는 데 매해 많은 비용을 들인다고 합니다.


디 바이스 세분화 및 확산으로 인해 디자이너와 개발자는 각 디바이스 유형에 맞게 동일한 컨텐츠의 서로 다른 버전을 만들어야 합니다. Adobe 연구에 의하면 모바일 개발자는 창의적인 과정의 소중한 시간을 빼앗는 지루한 모바일별 작업에 업무 시간의 30-50%를 소비한다고 합니다. 효율적으로 디자인하고 제작하는 방법을 찾아내는 것은 디바이스 컨텐츠를 만드는 비즈니스를 하려는 사람들과 그것으로 돈을 벌어 성공하는 사람들을 구분하는 일이 됩니다.


컨 텐츠가 모든 퍼블리시 대상에서 잘 작동하는지 테스트하는 것은 모바일에서 매우 중요한 일입니다. 디바이스에서 수행하는 테스트가 항상 가장 정확한 방법입니다. 그러나 테스트를 위해 파일을 디바이스로 전송하는 이 단순하면서도 시간이 많이 소모되는 작업은 디자인 작업의 속도를 매우 저하시킵니다. 동적 컨텐츠 테스트를 위해 디바이스의 시스템 상태를 다양화하는 것도 감수해야 할 또 다른 부담감이 됩니다. 예를 들어 몇몇 일본 디자이너들은 Adobe Flash Lite 기반의 배경 무늬가 휴대폰의 신호 강도에 따라 실제로 변화하는지 테스트하기 위해 도쿄의 고층 빌딩에서 엘리베이터를 타고 올라갔다 내려오는 작업을 했다는 이야기를 들려주었습니다.

이 모든 문제점을 해결하기 위해 무엇을 해야 할까요? 그것은 바로 Adobe Device Central CS3를 사용하는 것입니다.

무질서를 바로잡기 위한 솔루션: Adobe Device Central CS3

Adobe Device Central CS3는 Macromedia와 Adobe의 합병의 결과물입니다. Adobe 제품 팀에서는 양 회사의 디바이스 및 저작 전문가들을 규합했습니다. 이들은 모바일 및 디바이스 저작의 문제점들을 해결하기 위해 최고의 아이디어, 기술, 경험을 공유했습니다. Adobe의 목표는 모바일 저작을 경험한 초보자와 전문가 모두에게 실질적인 영향을 주는 것이었습니다. 우리는 모바일에서 발생하는 문제를 줄이고, 무질서를 바로잡고, 지루한 작업을 줄임으로써 디자이너와 개발자가 품질과 창의성에 전념할 수 있도록 하고자 했습니다. 또한 비트맵, 비디오, 웹 또는 Flash Lite 등 모바일 및 디바이스 작업에 종사하는 모든 유형의 크리에이티브 전문가를 지원하고자 했습니다.

그 결과 모바일 및 디바이스 저작을 위한 지식, 워크플로우 및 기능을 제공하는 Creative Suite 3의 새로운 애플리케이션인 Adobe Device Central CS3가 탄생했습니다. Device Central은 Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Illustrator CS3, Adobe Premiere Pro CS3, Adobe After Effects CS3, Adobe Dreamweaver CS3*, Adobe Fireworks CS3*, Adobe Flash CS3 Professional*, Adobe Bridge CS3를 비롯한 패키지의 다양한 툴과 함께 통합된 프로젝트 설정 및 미리 보기 워크플로우를 제공합니다.

Device Central의 작동 방식은 다음과 같습니다.

  • 비트맵, 비디오, 웹, Flash Lite 미디어 유형에 따른 디바이스의 하드웨어, 소프트웨어 및 미디어 기능에 대한 정보를 제공합니다. 이를 통해 각 디바이스에 적합한 컨텐츠를 디자인할 수 있습니다.
  • 여러 디바이스용으로 저작할 경우 프로젝트를 효율적으로 설정할 수 있습니다.
  • 인터랙티브한 디바이스 에뮬레이션 환경 내에서 작업한 내용을 미리 볼 수 있습니다.

따 라서 Device Central은 계획, 구상, 디자인, 테스트, 디버깅, 문서화, 발표 등 디자인과 개발 전과정의 각 작업에 대단히 유용합니다. 그 결과 시간, 돈, 노력을 절약하는 한편 여러 디바이스에서 더욱 품질 높은 결과를 제공할 수 있습니다.

Device Central을 사용한다고 해서 디바이스에서 테스트를 수행하지 않아도 되는 것은 아닙니다. 대신 초기에 디바이스에서 수행하는 테스트의 빈도수를 줄임으로써 디바이스에서 수행하는 테스트를 시작하기 전에 작업의 속도를 높일 수 있습니다. 그럼으로써 "조정 및 테스트" 모드에서 완벽을 향해 나아갈 때 필요한 업무를 신속하게 반복하여 시간을 엄청나게 절약할 수 있습니다.

디바이스 라이브러리

Device Central의 첫 번째 주요 부분은 디바이스 정보를 보고 구성할 수 있는 디바이스 라이브러리입니다. 디바이스 라이브러리를 통해 디바이스 속성 및 기능을 이해하고 제작할 내용 및 방법을 계획할 수 있습니다. 모바일 분야에 생소한 사람이 많고 PC에 비해 축소된 기능을 조정해야 하기 때문에 이는 핵심적인 기능이라 할 수 있습니다.

디바이스 라이브러리 뷰

그림 1. 디바이스 라이브러리 뷰

디바이스 프로파일

Device Central 출시와 함께 200개 이상의 디바이스 프로파일이 제공되며 Adobe 디바이스 프로파일 정보 서비스인 Device Central Online(자세한 내용은 아래 참조) 을 통해 더 많은 프로파일이 제공될 예정입니다. 초기 디바이스 프로파일에는 오늘날 전세계에서 출시된 Flash Lite 지원 디바이스 중 다수가 포함되어 있습니다. 여기에는 Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, 삼성, LG, iRiver와 같은 제조업체 그리고 NTT DoCoMo, KDDI, Softbank, Verizon Wireless와 같은 모바일 운영자의 휴대폰과 미디어 플레이어가 있습니다. 따라서 재정적으로나 지리적으로 현재 이용하기 어려운 디바이스에 "액세스"할 수 있는 좋은 기회가 제공됩니다.

각 디바이스 프로파일에는 일반 디바이스 하드웨어와 소프트웨어 데이터, 미디어 유형 지원(비트맵, 비디오, 웹, Flash Lite), 컨텐츠 유형 지원(배경 무늬, 애니메이션 신호음, 독립 실행형 컨텐츠 등)을 비롯한 자세한 정보가 포함되어 있습니다. 정보에는 디바이스 화면 크기, 지원되는 컨텐츠 유형 및 설정, 네트워크 기능 등이 있습니다.

Flash Lite 디자이너와 개발자는 플레이어 버전, FS 명령, 메모리 할당, 성능, 컨텐츠 유형 지원, 사운드 지원, 조정 가능한 화면 크기, Flash Professional 8에서 전에 이용할 수 없었던 다양한 속성에 대한 깊이 있는 정보에 만족할 것입니다. 디바이스 프로파일을 개별적으로 볼 수도 있고 여러 프로파일을 동시에 볼 수 있는 편리한 비교 기능을 이용할 수도 있습니다.

이 러한 프로파일은 OEM 및 모바일 운영자를 비롯한 모바일 및 디바이스 업계 파트너의 도움을 받아 Adobe 팀에서 개발했습니다. Adobe는 가능한 한 가장 정확하고 신뢰할 수 있는 정보를 제공하기 위해 각 디바이스에서 수백 번의 테스트를 수행하고 있습니다.

Device Central의 여러 디바이스 프로파일 중 하나

그림 2. Device Central의 여러 디바이스 프로파일 중 하나

구성 및 검색

제 조업체, 화면 크기, 컨텐츠 유형, 이동 통신사(해당되는 경우), Flash Lite 플레이어 버전 등 여러 유용한 방법으로 디바이스 프로파일을 구성할 수 있습니다. 강력한 검색 기능을 통해 여러 속성별로 디바이스 라이브러리를 분석하고 정확히 자신이 원하는 내용을 검색할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 Flash Lite 1.1을 지원하고 240 x 320 화면 크기를 갖고 있으며 Calling Screen 컨텐츠 유형을 지원하는 모든 NTT DoCoMo 휴대폰을 검색할 수 있습니다. 디바이스 라이브러리는 실시간으로 필터링되며 일치하는 디바이스를 즉시 보여줍니다!

디바이스 라이브러리를 사용하면 디바이스 프로파일에 대한 고유한 구성 시스템을 만들 수도 있습니다. 계층 구조 형식으로 구성된 디바이스 세트를 만들어 여기에 디바이스를 추가할 수 있습니다. 이것은 어떤 디바이스용으로 디자인해야 하는지를 추적하거나 하나의 단위로 저작할 수 있는 유사한 디바이스들을 모아둘 수 있는 매우 편리한 방법입니다. 또한 Device Central을 사용해 특별 프로젝트에서 동료와 공유하기 위해 디바이스 세트를 가져오거나 내보낼 수 있습니다.

프로젝트 시작

훌 륭한 기능 중 하나는 디바이스 세트를 사용하여 새로운 Flash, Photoshop 또는 Illustrator 프로젝트용 퍼블리시 대상을 선언하는 것입니다. Device Central에는 선택한 디바이스 간의 공통된 화면 해상도 크기를 보여주는 패널이 있는데, 여기서 만들어야 할 최소 버전을 파악하고 모든 대상에 퍼블리시할 수 있습니다.

Device Central을 사용해 공통된 화면 크기 분석

그림 3. Device Central을 사용해 공통된 화면 크기 분석

에뮬레이터 미리 보기 환경

Device Central의 두 번째 주요 부분은 에뮬레이터 미리 보기 환경입니다. 이곳은 디바이스 라이브러리에서 선택한 "가상 디바이스" 컨텍스트 내에서 작업 내용을 확인할 수 있는 곳입니다. 디바이스 프로파일에는 고해상도 디바이스 스킨이 종종 포함되는데, 이를 통해 화면상의 디자인이 실제 디바이스 디자인에서 어떤 모습이 될지 실질적인 느낌을 얻을 수 있습니다.

이 모드에서는 멀티미디어 플레이어와 같이 컨텐츠를 보기 위한 독립 실행형 애플리케이션으로 Device Central을 사용할 수 있습니다. 파일을 열거나 비트맵, 비디오, 웹 또는 Flash Lite 컨텐츠를 Device Central로 드래그하면 디바이스의 화면에 컨텐츠가 표시됩니다. 손쉽게 디바이스를 변경하여 다양한 디바이스 폼 팩터 및 디자인에서 컨텐츠가 어떻게 표시되는지 확인할 수 있습니다. 필자는 이 단순한 기능이 얼마나 유용하고 즐거운지 아직도 놀라움을 금할 수 없습니다.

그 러나 Device Central은 기타 Creative Suite 3 툴과 함께 사용할 때 진가가 발휘됩니다. Device Central은 Photoshop CS3, Illustrator CS3, Premiere Pro CS3, After Effects CS3, Dreamweaver CS3 및 Flash CS3 Professional의 미리 보기 워크플로우와 긴밀하게 통합되었습니다. 이러한 툴 중 하나를 사용하여 창의적으로 컨텐츠를 만든 후 몇 번의 키보드 또는 마우스 클릭만으로 디바이스에서 컨텐츠가 어떻게 보이는지 신속하게 확인할 수 있습니다.

에뮬레이터 미리 보기 환경

그림 4. 에뮬레이터 미리 보기 환경

에뮬레이터 미리 보기 환경의 몇 가지 특별한 기능은 다음과 같습니다.


Device Central을 사용하면 디바이스와 인터랙션할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 배경 무늬 이미지를 픽셀 단위로 정확하게 미리 보기 위해 확대할 수 있습니다. 디바이스를 회전하여 모바일 비디오를 가로 방향의 화면비로 미리 볼 수 있습니다. 디바이스에 있는 키를 눌러 Flash Lite 게임을 실행할 수 있습니다.

화면 시뮬레이션

Device Central을 통해 화면 시뮬레이션 설정을 조정할 수 있습니다. 실제 디바이스 화면의 모습과 매우 유사하게 적용하기 위해 밝기, 대비 및 감마 교정을 조정할 수 있습니다. 빛의 반사가 실제 디바이스에서 어떻게 나타나는지 보여주는 흥미롭고 유용한 기능도 추가되었습니다. 이것은 보기 환경이 불완전한 실제 디바이스에서 자신이 작업한 내용을 확인할 수 있다는 사실을 초보 디자이너 및 숙련된 디자이너에게 상기시켜주는 유용한 기능입니다.

크기 조절 및 정렬

디 바이스 프로파일의 여러 미디어 및 컨텐츠 유형에 대해 미디어가 화면에서 렌더링되는 방식을 찾아내기가 쉽지 않았습니다. 에뮬레이터는 이 정보를 사용해 각 컨텐츠 유형, 위치 및 크기 조절 동작에 대해 조정 가능한 화면을 표시합니다. 예를 들어 비트맵 배경 무늬가 전체 화면으로 자동 확장되는지 아닌지를 쉽게 알 수 있습니다. 그 결과에 따라 해당 디바이스의 사용자 정의 버전을 만들거나 만들지 않을 수 있습니다.

Flash Lite를 위한 강력한 에뮬레이션

Device Central은 Flash Lite 디자이너와 개발자에게 작업의 편리성과 생산성을 높여주는 강력한 에뮬레이션 기능을 제공합니다. 실시간 메모리 프로파일을 통해 현재 사용하고 있는 힙 메모리 양을 확인할 수 있으므로 특정 디바이스에 대한 제한 범위 내에서 작업할 수 있습니다.

Flash Lite에 대한 대략적인 성능 에뮬레이션도 제공되므로 각 디바이스에서 작업 내용의 렌더링 속도를 파악할 수 있습니다. 이 기능은 효과적인 사용자 경험을 제공하고 있는지를 확인하는 데 큰 도움이 됩니다.

끝 으로 작업 내용이 민감하게 반응할 수 있는 방식으로 디바이스의 상태를 시뮬레이션 및 변경할 수 있는 여러 방법이 제공됩니다. 예를 들어 Flash Lite 기반 배경 무늬는 배터리 잔량, 하루 중 시간 또는 신호 강도에 따라 화면에 표시되는 내용이 변경될 수 있습니다. 이제 테스트를 위해 SWF 파일을 휴대폰으로 전송하는 대신 Device Central 내에서 바로 그러한 속성을 변경함으로써, 특히 테스팅 및 디버깅 단계에서 시간을 크게 절약할 수 있습니다.

Device Central Online

Device Central은 데스크탑 툴일 뿐만 아니라 계속해서 변화하고 확장되는 디바이스의 세계로 연결해주는 정보 서비스이기도 합니다. Device Central Online은 Device Central을 최신 상태로 유지할 수 있도록 새로운 디바이스 프로파일을 제공합니다.

Adobe는 많은 글로벌 파트너의 새로운 디바이스를 비롯해 새로 출시되는 디바이스에 대한 프로파일을 정기적으로 업데이트할 것입니다. 이러한 업데이트 파일을 다운로드해서 Device Central에 쉽게 설치할 수 있습니다. 다운로드하려면 모바일 개발자 프로그램에 등록*하십시오. 그러면 뉴스레터, 사용 가능한 업데이트에 대한 사전 통보 및 기타 내부 정보를 이용할 수 있습니다.

다음 단계로

지금까지 소개한 Adobe Device Central CS3는 개발자가 Creative Suite 3에서 컨텐츠를 저작하면서 '디바이스'에 맞는 작업 내용을 계획하고 설정하고 미리 볼 수 있는 '중심적인' 장소입니다.

Adobe 는 모바일 및 디바이스의 발전을 위해 노력하고 있으며 모든 사용자가 시도해볼 수 있기를 바라기 때문에 Device Central을 쉽게 이용할 수 있도록 했습니다. Device Central은 Creative Suite 3의 모든 버전에 포함되어 있으며 Photoshop CS3, Illustrator CS3, Premiere Pro CS3, After Effects CS3, Dreamweaver CS3, Fireworks CS3 및 Flash CS3 Professional과 번들로 제공됩니다. 직접 확인해 보시고 의견을 보내주십시오. 여러분의 관심과 사랑을 기대합니다.

Device Central에 대한 비디오 토론*도 보실 수 있습니다.

저자 소개

Winston Wang은 Adobe 모바일 저작 사업부의 선임 제품 관리자입니다. 그는 모바일 업계에서 8년간 디자이너 및 제품 관리자로 일한 경험을 가지고 있으며 Device Central 개발 팀의 일원이기도 합니다.

by Anna 안나 2009. 2. 26. 19:44
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